How to forget my love? I don't know what's happening in between us? Please suggest and help me..

Reply Sat 2 Jul, 2016 01:56 am
Hi Friends...
I'm a 22 year old software engineer working in a software company and I'm a calm girl..
Since childhood I have a strong mindset that I should not love anyone.I used to have a very strong mindset not to love any1.But after getting a job I have fallen in love with a person who has a same mindset like me.n he too never talks or believes any girl like me as if I don't believe boys..we both fallen in love unknowingly..we have good clarity about our love and our future.he used to take care of me..and I know how much he loved me..and I used to take care of him alot..we both quarreled so many times...
we both cried even..he's very sensitive too like me..and 1 day we have decided not to
quarrel anymore.But 1 day I kissed him 1s just because he's going to shift to another place in our company..it's not too far from my block but since we will not be able to meet n talk anymore I kissed him.But at that time 1 of our HR seen us & warned secretly not to do this again.After that he He changed and started avoiding me.I asked him why is he behaving like this.He replied."I don't know..I have lost all my feelings..I don't wanted to be special to anyone" and I got transferred completely to another location of my company now.I wished him for his birthday after a long gap.He felt very happy & became closer again and he felt very bad for what he has done to become apart..like for leaving me..but again he stopped talking with me after 2 days.I asked him finally whether he wants me or not and also asked him any ego problem he has..he finally sent me a message like this.."It's not my ego..I'm not worthy to you,can't be and never"..that's his last reply..it's been 6 months as of now from talking each other.I'm unable to understand what's there in his mind and what is he thinking about me..?? Please suggest what decision do I need to take? I'm unable to forget him.
Reply Sat 2 Jul, 2016 04:02 am
He has decided, and not necessarily for the most coherent or defensible of reasons, that it's over.

You can't make this happen. You have to move on.
Reply Sat 2 Jul, 2016 08:18 am
Means?? he will never come to me again back? please say clearly..I didn't understand..
Reply Sat 2 Jul, 2016 08:20 am
He is not coming back. He has decided it is over. I'm sorry you don't accept that, but you cannot make someone want to be with you.
Reply Sat 2 Jul, 2016 08:38 am
I don't know how he's happy by taking this decision..don't know why somebody wants to come into others life if they don't want to be with them life long..
Reply Sat 2 Jul, 2016 08:48 am
Relationships end every single day.
Reply Sat 2 Jul, 2016 08:51 am
Thankq for replying..can u pls tell me why did he take this decision and what's there in his mind? if u understand..
Reply Sat 2 Jul, 2016 08:55 am
This is my last response on this topic.

You are obsessing over this stuff. It is OVER. You need to get on with your life. Get counseling if you find that impossible.

Whatever his decision is, it is utterly unimportant. His decisions can be smart or stupid, cruel, or wise, or kind. Whatever. But they are his. They are not YOURS.

So go forth and make your own decisions in life, not dependent on some guy who doesn't have his **** in gear.

I'm sorry you are hurting, but you need to let this go already.
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Reply Sat 2 Jul, 2016 08:58 am
As hard as it is to understand, there are many people in the world who do not know what they want and as a result, don't know how to express how they are feeling. It's sad when you get attached to one of them.

But you can't fix them.

Now that you know you can love, move on. Your meeting of this person has accomplished its purpose.
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