That's because your 72 years old. The old ALWAYS see the end of days in the present generation. "These damn kids don't have no respect these days!"
I see my kids in the school they're in and how the teachers are with them and I have nothing but high hopes for the future. The kids (not just my own) LOVE school. They love their teachers and they're learning. The atmosphere is one of cooperation and mutual goodwill.
I remember my days at grammar school. It was horrible. The work was boring, the teachers were mean or just disinterested, the other kids were cruel. I dreaded every day.
Things are better now. Everything is better. There is a tolerance and acceptance that was lacking forty years ago. We have the internet. Every bit of knowledge available to everyone instantly. We have better laws, better communication, better transportation. Pollution is fast becoming a thing of the past. Look in the grocery stores. Did you have the variety of choices that we have now when you were a kid? Not even close. People today, no matter how poor, don't spend nearly as much on food as in times past. (As a percentage of income).
I know we have our problems, but put it in perspective. Look up statistics on the murder rate for the past fifty years. How about fatal car accidents. Now look up statistics on deaths from common illnesses and diseases.
Things have actually never been better. We are cleaner, healthier, smarter and less violent than at any time in history. Put that Bible down and embrace the positives of your world.