Tue 14 Jun, 2016 06:46 pm
I've been long distance "dating" a guy for almost 4 months, we started out as platonic friends and as we got to know each other, stronger feelings developed. He is an awesome person: charismatic, attractive, caring, generous, funny as hell, and patient. But on the flip side, he's stubborn and has a dominant personality; he's used to getting his way. When I say dominant, I don't mean forceful/bully, rather, he's direct, decisive, and assertive.
We've been having arguments and disagreements almost every week. These "problems" range from me not wanting to talk for a few hours one night (depressed about my fathers Alzheimer's), or him turning his phone off because he's tired of business calls (he's an entrepreneur) or the most recent ones which I think are hilarious. Sunday he was "disappointed" that I decided to talk to my sister and do some things around the house instead of playing playstation with him. Lol. Currently, he's upset or feeling some type of way because I went to sleep early last night and wasn't up to talk to him. He's having issues with his best friend/roommate and wanted to vent. When I woke up and texted to find out what happened, he basically blew me off and said he didn't want to talk.
Idk how to handle this..I've always been the type to be very dismissive of men who act like this. I don't like to "argue" and I find these disagreements to be petty. I care about him very much I just don't understand this side of him smh.
You're right; he's being petty, selfish, and childish.
Why would you waste your time with someone who is already doing this? Your caring guy pouts when you don't give him on-demand attention. Your patient guy gets passive-aggressive when you don't hop to it and listen to his problems immediately, rather than live your life. Your generous guy can't fathom why your father's Alzheimer's might make you not so chatty one night.
Maybe think about these things a bit more.
Quote:Idk how to handle this.
Either end it, or indicate that you intend it to remain platonic, as politely as you can, and move on. If he becomes abusive or spiteful, block him. He's not your type.
@jespah you're absolutely right. At this point things are all but over between us...tired of the pettiness.
On another note. I'm sorry you are going through issues with your Father and, I assume he's not a kid but a grown man. So consider playstation? , perhaps you also met him on the internet, so where else he travels online for attention.
I appreciate that thanks so much! Yes, we are both grown, early 30's and both advid gamers. Him wanting to play video games with me wasn't the issue...the b!tch!ing about me not playing at that particular time was.