When you told him that you went to bed feeling unloved, there's a real possibility that two things occurred in his mind:
- What he heard you say was 'It's all your fault'; and
- he thought 'what about me going to bed feeling unloved. How is this morning all about you?'
That said, your boyfriend has very poor conflict management skills, and anger problems.
As to root causes - people lash out from fear, and your boyfriend has a fair amount of that.
For those who doubt - if there is nothing to fear, if a person has a full and strong belief in who they are, there is very little reason to get angry at other people, and the times such people get truly angry are few and far between. Anyone with a very high self esteem (rather than ego) will know what I'm talking about.
Social scientists found they could predict with 90% accuracy which couples would be together in 10 years, based purely on how they fought.
It may be time for both of you to start learning how to navigate your way through conflict situations.