Mon 23 May, 2016 01:59 am
My husband has been texting and sending dirty pictures and videos to females on Kik.. I have proof I took pictures of all of the messages and pictures and videos.. I'm planning on divorcing him.. My question is should I show all the messages and pictures videos to the judge??? Please let me know ASAP
Check it out with your lawyer. You have got a lawyer? We don't even know what country you live in, so it's hard to give any more detailed advice.
Did you two go to counseling?
How old are you? Where do you live? Are there children involved?
IF you decide to divorce, you need legal help ASAP.
In some places, there are no-fault divorces. If one party wants out of the marriage, it happens.
yes, you have to keep these as prof.
Talk to your lawyer.
Have you told your husband you will be divorcing?
Of course you should keep this pictures but I don't think if judge will accept them. Contact with your advocat..if he agrees then ok
Good luck