And 51% of those "“feel sexy or flirtatious”"
" It’s the sort of news we should be smiling about – for once we aren’t being told that young girls are the victims of sex. This shows us that there are thousands of teen girls who are exploring their sexuality, taking charge of it and damn well enjoying it.
So, why did The Times’ cover story yesterday read: “Researchers discovered to their surprise that many girls said exchanging of explicit images with boyfriends was a highly positive experience, adding to the fun of flirting or growing close to a boy”?
This should not be surprising news. The fact that it is to these experts is depressing. Just how unsexual a society have we become if we can’t appreciate that young girls are enjoying exploring sex? We spend so much time obsessing about the risks of being sexual in an online world that we’re forgetting this sort of behaviour is completely natural. It’s just a technologically advanced version of what previous generations did behind bike sheds. "