Hi Piffka,
Thanks for allowing me to share your stories, I'll post them in a couple of days! I'm very happy that you think it's great, I hadn't known much about a forum until I got my own, a place where I can share my feelings and thoughts. It's still a very litte one though, I hope my friends enjoy. And yes, the friend who built Lain's Sky is really a good friend, a very special friend. I've learned a lot from him and he's still doing it..
LOL, Seattle! that Sleepless in Seattle! I love Tom Hanks as well. I live near Shanghai, I bet you've heard about it. You Love Olympics dun you? Me too, I love the feeling that all the people come together and become friends- 朋友.
Hmm, actually 謝謝 are 2 characters, 謝 is one and 謝 is another one... and also "朋友", 朋 and 友. About "的", it's a very special word in Chinese, it plays different roles in different sentences. Here it means "of", for example,
you- 你
your- 你的
I- 我
my- 我的
So "your friend, Piffka" should be "妳的朋友, Piffka". You shouldn't miss this word "的"..
I dun do calligraphy, but I "draw" it, lol. I'm majoy in visual communication, currently in college.. I'd like to show your a homework I did about 2 years ago but I just dunno how to!
I tried to put the characters we'd talked about on this list, hope this is useful.
星-- star
日-- sun and day月-- moon and month
夜-- night
星月夜-- a starry night with moon
光-- light
星光-- the light of stars
歌-- song
歌星-- pop star
电-- electricity
影-- shadow
电影-- movie
花-- flower
葉-- leaf
妳-- you (as a female)
你-- you (as a male)
好-- hello, ok, alright, good, kind and nice and so on
妳好/你好-- hello
是-- is, am, are, was, were
中国-- China (Simplified)
中國-- China (Traditional)
謝謝-- thanks
謝謝你/妳-- thank you
朋友-- friend
宜-- appropriate or fine or pleasant
家-- home
When I made the list, I found I've left many questions unanswered. Some of them beyond my knowledge (though I 'm a Chinese...) and the rest I dunno how to answer due to my crappy English... And thanks for the month website, I did learn! Not all the people from the old town of Lijiang use pictographs, only a very few still keep the mysterious characters.
oristarA is right, 宜家 in Pinyin is Yi Jia, but it does have a similar pronunciation with IKEA, so in China we translate IKEA as 宜家... I think IKEA means something in Swedish also since it's from Sweden.
Off to bed now, very sleepy.
good night