Thu 26 Aug, 2004 10:36 am
So, I'm torn.
We've gone several (!) rounds here on the SBVFT thing. The restatements of SBVFT allegations keep coming, we keep rebutting them, it fades, more people join the fray...
I hate to leave the falsehoods and scurrilous implications out there, unanswered. But I also hate repeating myself again and again and again.
What I thought of is to put all of the answers into one thread. Nimh has already done a lot of this, we just need to cut and paste. But it's a big job, and I'd like help.
What I'd love to do is when it comes up again, answer with just the link to this thread and a question about an actual issue.
FreeDuck, cylcop, nimh, blatham, all you guys, can you help me out?
This one's new, and good:
Cycloptichorn wrote:Quote:Please show me some evidence that Senator Kerry was in Cambodia during Christmas 1968.
Please show me evidence that he wasn't. Remember, the burden of proof is upon you. The comments made by his campaign advisors are no more relevant to the case than any other accusations, and are hardly conclusive; his aides weren't there, they don't know whether he was in Cambodia or not. The fact is, you don't have any that conclusively proves it one way or the other.
Now, if you want to argue that he wasn't there till Janurary, you are splitting hairs and getting to the point of ridiculousness.
I ask again. Is it your contention that Kerry was NEVER in Cambodia? That U.S. soldiers were not in Cambodia?
And, once again, given the level of scrutiny that you are displaying towards Kerry's record, there should be an overwhelming amount of evidence that Bush completed his duty. There is NOT an even substantial amount of evidence that he did. Can you explain this discrepancy, given your critical and non-partisan eye for the truth?
Notice that the nutjobs making all the absurd allegations against Kerry have judicioulsy avoided this thread.
Well, I'm just collecting at this point. That's actually my preference, to keep it just to the most important posts on this topic, without chatter.
Go ahead and cut and paste good 'uns, though.
Harper wrote:Notice that the nutjobs making all the absurd allegations against Kerry have judicioulsy avoided this thread.
I see one nutjob has already made an appearance while I was at lunch.
My thread, I'm asking nicely -- everyone, please refrain from the nutjob stuff and just cut and paste whatever is relevant to the thread. Thanks.
Second request, if anyone wants to make the opposing case, go ahead but please do it on your own thread. Then we both can just reply with urls when SBVFT comes up and move on to more important things.
Here's a good one re: Cambodia
nimh wrote:Brand X wrote:
CNN's Newsnight played the O'Neill-Nixon tape, with text graphic on screen:
O'NEILL: I was in Cambodia, sir. worked along the border on the water.
NIXON: In a swift boat?
O'NEILL: Yes, sir.
They all worked along the border because the river runs along the border.
Just found a longer quote from that interview O'Neill did last weekend on "This Week with George Stephanopoulos" ... interesting.
O'NEILL: You asked about Cambodia. How do I know he's not in Cambodia? I was on the same river, George. I was there two months after him. Our patrol area ran to Sedek, it was 50 miles from Cambodia. There isn't any watery border. The Mekong River's like the Mississippi. There were gunboats stationed right up there to stop people from coming. And our boats didn't go north of, only slightly north of Sedek. So it was a made up story. He's told it over 50 times, George, that was on the floor of the Senate.
So ... O'Neill, in his own words, "worked along the border on the water", but err, he knows Kerry's been lying because, well, he "was on the same river [..] it was 50 miles from Cambodia [and] There isn't any watery border."
Sheep are living lawnmowers.
Smear Effort Not The Most Swift Of Ideas
Smear Effort Not The Most Swift Of Ideas
Tampa Tribune
Published: Aug 25, 2004
If the Swiftboat Veterans Shilling For Karl Rove had any less credibility they'd make Jayson Blair look like Diogenes.
Perhaps the political lesson here ought to be that if you are going to attempt to launch a cheesy smear campaign, especially against a presidential candidate, it's probably a good idea not be more tainted than Monica Lewinsky modeling for the Gap.
For weeks now, the Swiftboat Veterans For Rent have been flitting about the landscape trying to portray Democratic presidential nominee John Kerry as being more gutless under fire during Vietnam than Robert Vaughan in ``The Magnificent Seven.''
Gracious, if you believed merely half of what the Swiftboat Veterans For W have been alleging, you might think Kerry had really spent the entire Vietnam War sitting around the Cote d'Azur sipping Campari and reading Marcel Proust in the original French.
Nixon Crowd
Indeed, the Swiftboat Veterans For Whatever have suggested that Kerry's Silver and Bronze Stars and three Purple Hearts awarded for combat heroics are less deserved than Milli Vanilli's Grammy.
Could it be possible John ``Bring Me A Shrubbery!'' Kerry was more spineless than Monty Python's Knights of the Round Table?
Insert ``Oooooopsie!'' right about here.
For the problem with the allegations made by the Swiftboat Veterans For Bush/Cheney's Bidding is that their claims have been repeatedly exposed as having less veracity than ..., well, ``Mission Accomplished.''
The problems begin with the group's funding - $100,000-plus from Texas Republican fancy-pants Bob Perry, who has also contributed millions of dollars to the GOP across the country.
Thus we're hardly dealing with merely a civic-minded, nonpartisan group of veterans.
Next, the leader of the Swiftboat Veterans For the Lion of Crawford is led by Texas mouthpiece John O'Neill, the same John O'Neill the Nixon crowd dug up to debate Kerry, then an anti-Vietnam War activist, some 30 years ago.
Real Cowardice
As well, many of the veterans now accusing Kerry of being more of a poltroon than Barney Fife were supporters of the candidate, some as recently as a year ago.
Others have recanted their accusations against Kerry and, even more importantly, those who insist the senator was the Milo Minderbender of the Vietnam War weren't even witnesses to the events for which the various decorations were awarded.
Cue an Emily Litella ``never mind'' moment right about here.
Oh, and then there is this: Virtually every Vietnam veteran who served aboard Kerry's vessel, and/or were cheek to jowl with him in combat, have supported his version of the events attesting to his bravery under fire - including William Rood, now a Chicago Tribune editor who, over the weekend, refuted the attacks on the candidate's war record.
How absurd has this gotten?
After Rood pretty much showed up the smear campaign against Kerry for the smarmy right-wing propaganda effort that it is, O'Neill fumbled and bumbled away with this quote to the Chicago Tribune: ``We also stand by our judgment that while the action involved a degree of courage, it was not ... worthy of a Silver Star.''
``Degree of courage''? Since when did a political huckster like John O'Neill become the national arbiter of what constitutes courage under fire? What's next? Will O'Neill allege that if John McCain had been a better pilot he wouldn't have wound up living the life of Riley as a prisoner of war?
Here's the real act of cowardice:
Hustings thugs created a blatant special interest group that exploits Vietnam veterans who served with distinction, and who may well have a fair beef with Kerry over his antiwar activities, simply to advance the political career of a candidate who used the war himself as little more than a glorified dental plan.
Thanks, FreeDuck! I'd been looking for that one.
nimh so rocks.
Reminds me:
FreeDuck wrote:JustWonders wrote: I think the reason it's getting so much scrutiny is Kerry's campaigning so much on his military service while not saying much about the real issues at the DNC. If he didn't or doesn't want the scrutiny, he shouldn't have made such a big deal about it. I'm sure I'm not the only one that questioned his reluctance to release all of his records. It would have never occured to me to even want to see them if he'd not made such an issue out of his service.
I hear this a lot and I honestly wonder if you or others who say this watched the convention or have heard any of his speeches where he 'runs' on his war record? From my recollection, the vets didn't come out until the last day -- right before Kerry's speech. He mentioned Vietnam twice in his hour long acceptance speech and one of those times was to show how he had worked with McCain to find out what happened to those still missing in action. If he were running and not talking about Vietnam -- a pivotal point in his life -- those who are attacking him would wonder what he was hiding.
I think the posters point about the 4 months is also kind of silly. He was in the Navy, not the Army or the Marines, so of course he spent most of his two tours on a ship. In fact, he might well have served both tours without firing a shot had he not volunteered for the swift boats.
I re-made the point with a slightly different spin:
sozobe wrote:This has come up a few times. [That Kerry "started it"]
Who put on his fighter pilot paraphernalia and played soldier?
Who keeps talking about strong and tough and war president?
Who keeps trying to portray Kerry as soft and wishy-washy?
I wish I had time to do a nimh job right now -- I don't -- but I don't think it would be too hard to come up with a whole lot of ways that Bush "started it", where an emphasis (but NOT to the exclusion of issues -- issues were very much a part of the Dem convention, and are very much part of the campaign) on Kerry's Vietnam stint served as a rebuttal to the many things Bush had already said and done.