Re: I Got 99 Problems And George Bush Is One
JustWonders wrote:who here thinks that this forum is in any way representative of "America"? The truth is the "America" that will vote for George Bush (and I'm assuming it's those you are wanting to educate) aren't anywhere near this forum and could care less about reading the political opinions of people like us...people with names like PDiddie, Squinney, BrandX, etc. (not that those aren't great names.)
Of course those who have already replied in this thread are interested in what you have to say. They are firmly backing Kerry or are so against Bush that whatever you come up with will boost their already firmly planted stance of who will best lead. I'm also interested because I like to know what the other side is saying, thinking, feeling, and like most here I think the outcome of this election may well have a profound affect on my life (at least for the next four to eight years.)
I know I didn't state all this as eloquently as some here could, but lately I've had this feeling that the left doesn't really know "America." as much as they'd like to think they do. You know that they seem to care more about reality TV and aren't really tuned into State of the Union addresses, but do you really think that they'll understand what you mean when you say "Enumerated in retard-friendly pointers"? My personal feeling is that phrases such as "Democracy only works when the voters have functioning nervous systems" and explaining the Patriot Act as you see it will be lost on them.
The millions of regular, church-going Americans across the Midwest are already suspicious of those wanting to take prayer out of their schools, and sanction gay marriage. It's not their way and they don't understand it. They understand George Bush. He's plainspoken and humble and they understand him. The liberals just don't get this. JMHO
You can hold any mental image in your head of any of us, JW, but here's another mental image: a splintered not exactly united platform for the RNC. The GOP is having to put up a pretty big tent to cover every body. Log Cabin Republicans and the Republicans for Choice are part of the republican party, too. Moderates are the stakes of the republican tent, but the people in power are swinging so far out to the right that they are practically fascists. Some members of his own party think the powers in office are out there and need to be moderated.