First of all, I wasn't aiming my first post at anyone in particular and was certainly not criticizing the original poster for his statements. I was and am actually looking forward to the rest of it. I find most of the posters here on both sides to be quite thoughtful and have always enjoyed reading whatever they have to say.
Chuckster, my second post was in no way intended as a lecture to Debra_Law. I wanted to let her know that I agreed with part of her reply to me and then thought it was okay to post more of my thoughts on the subject, so I did. My first post was actually longer, but I erased a good portion before I hit "submit." My apologies to her if it sounded like a lecture.
BumbleBeeBoogie - I was neither praising the heartland masses nor criticizing those on the left in either of my posts. I'm not a good writer, but what I was trying to point out are those characteristics peculiar to the "average" American resulting in why they might support one candidate over another, their reasons, and then the opposition's reaction.
I was happy to see that you do understand basically what I was trying to say, and I would think anyone who has issues with Mr. Bush would be frustrated. This particular situation frustrates me, too. As I mentioned in the first post, these people generally have no use for the celebrities who use entertainment venues to foist their political views, yet they flock to the theaters in droves to see the latest action film or comedy. That's only one example.
My thoughts were only meant to put forth a point of view, and not intended to finger-point, certainly not at anyone on this forum in any derogatory manner and most of all, not disdain. In speaking of the left, I was merely using that word as a stereotype, much as I did with "heartland." I have no doubts as to your own personal attributes as a good and caring citizen. If it were otherwise, you wouldn't be bothering to read or contribute here.
With the swing to the right by what I call the "common man" over the past few decades, I think many of the Republicans in positions of power have figured it out, this almost "new" American conservatism. Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter certainly did and I'm left to wonder if John F. Kennedy were to seek his presidency today, how would he be perceived by these people.
You hit the nail on the head with your comment about the heartland voting on style and social issues, I think. That is precisely, in my opinion, how Mr. Bush rallied domestic support for the war. He knows what to say and they listen.
I know you've seen that there are citizens here who state they will not vote for Kerry so much as they will vote against Mr. Bush. That was my point of the first post. Much of America will, I think, vote for Mr. Bush as a blow against those they absolutely do not identify with. It's the "America" that feels it's had the higher taxes, the abortion issue, the gay marriage, the prayers stamped out of their schools crammed down their throats by the "liberals." Please everyone, this is not a judgement on my part so much as an observation.
By liberals, I do NOT mean you or Setanta, Dyslexia, Debra_Law or anyone else who may read this and is liberal-leaning. I don't consider myself, McGentrix or any of the other conservatives as part of the mass of flag-wavers either. I don't reside in the "heartland" and although I'm not ashamed to proclaim who will get my vote, neither am I voting against the so-called establishment or anything else. Just as you will vote for Mr. Kerry because you believe he is the right man to lead, I will vote for Mr. Bush because he has my trust and I think he's a good and decent man.
McGentrix - can't thank you enough for sticking up for me and thanks again for your kind words that I do not post drivel. Setanta is probably right if one compares his posts to mine (or just about anyone's LOL) and is most likely not alone is his seeing my posts as drivel. While I may not always agree with what he has to say, he does it in a way that leaves no doubt as to what he meant. I aspire to that, and will work on it.
BBB - again, thanks for your calm reply to me. I think we agree on a lot, but not all. Especially on this issue, your last paragraph was right on (at least the first half of it, LOL.) My question, I suppose, in understanding that they are "image" driven, do you have an opinion on how those in power on the opposing side should respond?
Cycloptichorn -
1: They are scared of terrorism.
2: They are scared of fags getting rights.
3: They are scared of having to think for themselves.
I agree. As Debra said, the chipping may take some time. I'm wondering if you think the way "middle'America" is being responded to is effective.
Dyslexia - is the Instapundit Doggy Drivel available online...and does it come in six-packs?