Quote:They won't be doing this anytime soon and that's why I believe the majority of the white-working class will vote for Mr. Bush.
They'll vote for Bush for three reasons.
1: They are scared of terrorism.
2: They are scared of fags getting rights.
3: They are scared of having to think for themselves.
I have a rather dismal opinion of the majority of voters; they don't educate themselves, they don't look into issues, they prefer drama and mudslinging to actual substantive debate.
Some people are not inclined to follow the debate; some are not intelligent enough to do so. Nevertheless, on what basis do these people vote? Image. Such as described by Justwonders.
Bush is an image president.
He talks about cleaning up the environment, but then signs into legislation bills which make things far worse.
He talks about being a Christian, but his actions show him to be far from a true Christian (someone needs to get the guy a WWJD? braclet, sheesh).
He talks about unifying America but enacts policies to divide us.
He talks about supporting veterans and then tries to cut their medical benefits by millions of dollars.
He talks about running our economy efficiently, but we now have a gigantic defecit.
He talks about respecting our alliances but then throws them away when they don't agree with us.
He talks about leaving Iraq, but we still don't have a clear exit strategy.
He talks about the value of science, but then alters reports given to him before they are presented to the public.
He talks about running a clean campaign, and then spends 70% of his time running attack ads.
He talks about honoring the memory of 9/11, and then uses it as a political tool to get re-elected.
He talks about finding out the truth about 9/11, and then opposes the creation of the commission to do so.
He talks about fixing Social Security, but still has no real plan for doing so.
He talks about homeland defense, but then massively underfunds our ability to do so.
He talks about the safety of troops in Iraq, but then doesn't send proper safety equipment for our troops.
He talks about combating terrorism, and then sends us to fight a war in Iraq instead of hunting down OBL and AQ.
The problem is, the vast majority of people don't watch long enough to find out that Bush CONSISTENTLY fails to uphold his promises! They hear the sound byte, and that's good enough for them.
It's depressing. I just wish more people would get active, no matter what side they are for....