Fri 6 May, 2016 03:44 am
I don't consider myself unattractive, in fact I've been told I'm good-looking quite a lot. But still girls are just not interested in me. I'm guessing its something to do with my personality but I have no idea
No one here knows anything about you, so how could anyone advise you? Two things i can tell which apply to all (or almost all) women. They like people who are relaxed, and they appreciate a man who makes them laugh. Don't try to be a stand up comedian or constantly tell jokes--just display a sense of humor.
@kevin thomas,
Height, muscles and money are the three things that seem to consistently do the trick.
Anything else, you will probably need to consider individual women.
@kevin thomas,
Try luring them close with shiny things, then you can catch 'em!
Shiny things with lots of carets.
Yup, girls like jewelry, coins, glitter, even bits of aluminum foil. Scatter these things around near where they gather and hide nearby with a net...
Good luck with the aluminum foil, and thanks for correcting my spelling.
Rolls eyes...
Height never mattered to me
Muscles only slightly
Money didn't matter to me
I admit to liking beads and earrings, etc., but I want to buy them myself
Brains do matter to me, eyes matter to me, as does humor and even wit. A guy's interests in life matter to me, but there are a wide variety of interests that are fine with me, whether they are my interests or not. A reasonable amount of enjoyment of life, enthusiasm for continuing learning.
Creativity turned out to be good trait to me... for myself too.
Ability to converse, ability to give the other space. Division of tasks, good.
Liking of animals, good.
Enthusiasm for me, at least off and on - important. This includes not just the physical, but interest in my brain too.
Oh, and important: loving him. Well, most of the time.
hey setanta. i am not joker. actually you ar real joker. i do not need your advice. you are foolish person. what do you know about women. go man. you ar like a child to me. i kick your ass.
thanks friend for kind advice
Follow the four C's: Clarity, Caret, Color, & Cost.
@kevin thomas,
Oh, i see, another internet tough guy. Your English sucks, too.
@kevin thomas,
sounds like youve got an unresolved anger problem Kevin. Women can sense that.
If they're really sensitive, maybe.
I don't get all the stuff against Kevin.