LOL(My Karzak impersonation)
That was a good critique. Does this movie count as a libelous smear of Bush?
I wouldn't say so, though it's possible I could have missed a smear while I was in the bathroom. (A smear in the movie, not in the bathroom) Most everything that was said negative about Bush is freely available information -- i.e. 7 minutes in the classroom, all that time on vacation before 9/11, hyping the WMD. It's only the juxtaposition of the clips that make it slant to the director's point of view.
Thanks Duck...I was trying to weigh the two. Some have said the movie and the book are both example of smear tactics.
Great, now I guess I have to read the book...
The bomb will not be outside the convention. It will be the convention itself. These conventions are a waste of time and money. And what is worse I believe our tax dollars help fund them.
I recently heard that the combined cost of this election season. That is what each candidate and the RNC and DNC has spent has reached the $1 billion dollar mark, how much higher it will climb is anyone's guess.
That is what is being spent to have the candidates travel the nation and spin their lies and also to generate the attack ads.
Wouldn't it be much better if instead of that BS they had about 7 or 8 prime time televised and for those without TV, Radio debates.