Harper wrote:If it is true that Unfit for Command is indeed libelous then there is a precedent for having the book removed. There is no precedent I know of that justifies banning a documentary film because one disagrees with the creator's point of view. That said, if it were up to me, I would just let the book fall on its own lack of merit.
Unbelievable!!!! We agree on something.
If it is libelous, then of course the sale of said book can be stopped. But to do so, Kerry would have to (I believe) sue for libel, which he should do if he can prove the libel. (Now I know there may be political reasons not to do so)
Personally, if the book is full of bogus charges, I hope he does sue them at some point and wins. But I won't hold my breath because I think there is enough truth behind some of what they claim to make Kerry nervous. But of course, I cannot criticize the book since I have not read it. lol