With Der Drumpfenfueher unable even to understand longstanding delegate rules and an approval rating well below 50% of his own minority party, it is unlikely he will win over millennials, women, LGBT, immigrants, or racial minorities. If he wins the nomination outright: chaos. If he is thwarted: chaos. And if the biggest fraud in Congress thinks his deadly supply side budget of unicorns and rainbows meets the standards of any competent economist, he can keep on refusing the thrice-offered crown like Caesar, but it may not be offered that often. He's already unable to whip his own party into voting their own budget rather than shut down the government.
The smirking Canadian, even though anointed by the one true god, may thwart Drumpf's drive toward a first ballot victory, but after that, he'll be dumped by every party politician who hates him (i.e. everyone). Leaving Lyin' Raynd? Not a chance.