Here's the thing zemnac, we determine our own worth to the world. As an example: People who work hard, do a good job, and put effort into things have a much greater value to an employer than someone who does the least amount of work possible, does a half arsed job, and doesn't put much effort into anything but being lazy and complaining.
Whatever worth, price tag, or value we put on ourselves is ultimately what determines how others choose to view our worth as well. A lot of it is subconscious though. For example, I automatically recoil inside when someone jumps head first into the deep ocean of negativity. Or even when I do... Lol Why? Because I don't like it. Negativity can pull other people down. Being negative about everything all the time will actually only give back a negative perspective of you from everyone around.
Quote:Like , well Im 1 person out of 7 billion people on earth ,theres surely someone else who will look like me and can do stuff that I do and maybe better and surely someone can take his place too , so no point of seeking that little tiny details that makes someone diferent since ,me,or he,she ...can be replaced.
Yeah... I understand. It is easy to feel like just a face in the crowd in such a vast world of people, cultures, and beliefs. There probably is someone who looks just like you. They call that a doppelganger, I do believe. I met mine in my 20's. Holy moly it was one of the weirdest yet coolest experiences of my life! We could have passed for twins in a line up. Same height, body structure, skin tone, hair, eyes, you name it.
It was literally like standing in front of a mirror. Lol Except she was pregnant, which all in all was kinda cool to see because I had always wondered what I would look like pregnant.

Oh, and she was Mexican. I am... A mutt... Not really sure, some French definitely, but every Indian I have ever met has swore up and down I have Indian in me. Perhaps I will look into it some day.
Anyway, yes we could have passed for twins, and yes, she could do some of the same things as me because we both worked in the cafeteria at the hospital... Yet... We were distinctly different. Our ethnic backgrounds for one. Our personalities were miles apart. She was very outspoken and liked being the center of attention.
Not me. I kept to myself. Very shy and insecure. So much so that I had actually only applied for the dishwasher position because I preferred being unseen and unheard. But oh no no, the guy who hired me insisted that the dishwasher job was far to hard a work for a pretty girl like me so I should be take the cashier position. His words not mine. Kinda creeped me out to be honest, but he turned out to be one of the best bosses I've had.
She never could have replaced me though. Nor could I have replaced her. We just shared similar external values. She was the way she was because of how her life had been so far, and so was I. Either way we both were unique in our own right. Which is actually a good thing if you ask me. I hate the cookie cutter mentality. I don't want to be like anyone else, and I am the only one who determines what I will be like. And... You are the only one who determines what you will be like.
Oh by the way... Your uniqueness is what makes you irreplaceable.
Quote:These rule though do not apply to people who really made a difference in human history like Einstein and many other big names.
Yes they do, silly! The only difference in their impact was the choices they made through out their lifetime, and the fact they they were willing to be, and OK with being "different". The ant colony is actually a pretty good analogy here, I am glad you brought it up. It demonstrates a good message I think.
Like you said, there is a Queen ant, and then the rest of the colony, basically viewed as worker ants. At least that's what they call bees... Lol I think you get my point...While their existence may seem mundane, useless, or replaceable, it really isn't. Each ant has a purpose, a job, a contribution to give that aids the greater good of all. You see, the Queen ant couldn't survive without the aid of the worker ants.
The worker ants wouldn't be there, if not for the Queen. The colony could not continue if there weren't replacements. All things working together is what makes it work. I have yet to meet a democratic, Republican, Pentecostal, or Baptist ant. Just to name a few.

Whether it's instinctual or not I do not know, but they stick together and do their jobs because that is what they have to do to survive.
The problem is you are taking the term replaceable far too personally. We are all replaceable, in that we just plain won't be here forever. So the job we did... Someone else will have to do. The car we drove... Someone else will have to drive... And so on. But as a person with your own unique set of ideals, your own unique personality, your own unique way of doing things... That is not replaceable. No one could be completely like you... Ever... Even if they tried.