Quote:Whether theoretical or literal, how does one go about reconciling a God of judgments such as these with a God of love?
It is really not something that needs "reconciling", so to speak But in order to understand this we should probably clarify belief first. As we all know there are a million different beliefs out there. Not referring solely to religion here, of course. The problem is there are just so many different ways to look at any one thing. It's easy to get lost in all the information...
Or on the contrary, to just pick a side and remain stubbornly there, because it's easier... and everything in between too. No matter what a person chooses to believe the key is actually found in the core of that belief. Because in all honesty, you can say you "believe" something, but your actions reveal if you really do or not.
Truly believing anything requires the one who believes it to understand it as well. You can't say and really mean you believe something if you don't understand it. In my opinion, this is one of the biggest cracks in the foundation of the Christian church now a days. Not understanding this simple concept, or perhaps leaving it out on purpose in an effort to brainwash the simple-minded. I am certain we have all seen this.
The blind leading the blind.
I hate to use this as an example, as I don't want to disturb a hornet's nest... But dagnabit... It's the best one I can think of. So here's my disclaimer lol: Everything I am about to say is solely for the purpose of the point I would like to make. That's all.
Think about science. An amazing part of our existence, btw.

So, what does science do exactly? They look at life through a microscope. This allows them to see things that cannot be seen with the natural eye. They take things apart down to the molecul, and then rebuild it, or attempt to, in order to better understand it's structure, how it works, and even possibly how to recreate it.
Which is not a bad thing. The problem is if you spend your life looking through a microscope you will never see the bigger picture. It takes more to understand something than just picking it apart and rebuilding it. While that is a necessary part of the process, it is not the only part. Because everything amounts to something, impacts something else other than itself, and therefore is much more in fact than just whatever it's made of. It is important to understand every aspect of something to truly understand it.
Now, having said all that... In Genesis 1:27 it says:
27 So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.
To believers this means more than just God having male and female attributes, because this is more than just a physical thing. The God that gave us the physical and non physical attributes, also gave us emotional attributes, as well. Do we not all have some sort of creative ability of some sort? Creating things is part of learning, growing, and well... Living. Another attribute gained from Him. As the Creator, I say He has the right to undo anything He's done. After all, we do don't we?