au1929 wrote:Gala
No need to defend me. Baldimo is either very young of very naive or both. Forgive him he knows no what he says. I should note that in the thirties republicans were objecting Roosevelt's social programs as creeping socialism. How many would now want to cut out social security because it is socialism in action. Or Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps, government social programs and the likes because they are communist in nature. Yes, some of the money we earn must go to the government in the form of taxation just how much depends on the need. If you want to live in this blessed nation of ours you must pay the bill. And indeed those who can afford to pay the most should.
Wow you resort to personal attack, so very like the left. Why can't you enter into honest debate instead of attacking my age and my knowledge.
I am neither young nor naive, lets just say I was almost to old to join the military and the cut off is at 35. Just because I don't agree with you doesn't mean I'm any of the above. It's just a different opinion.
You almost got me to defend myself, which I see as a tatic used by you when you can't debate. THis is the second time you have done this with me. The first time was questioning whether I was really in the military or if I was going to be a cop. You never did respond to that one.