Olivier5 wrote:
In 2008, Hillary supporters were all busy telling us that he wasn't the messiah. The subtext was of course that the people rooting for Obama were foolish idealists...
I hear the same condescending subtext here. It's divisive and counterproductive. Hillary and her supporters should try to respect, emulate and even harness Bernie's fundamental honesty, rather than laugh it off as some sort of scam or illusion.
I wasn't part of either side of that ridiculous crap about Obama being the second coming. I said then and I still say today that he was a decent, capable man who I found to be the best decision I could make for my vote. And I admitted then as now that it was frosting on the cake for me, and a source of pride that he was a black man.
I don't need any lectures from Bernie's followers about what my attitude needs to be toward Bernie or the importance of his candidacy. I have said from the Beginning that I think Bernie is an honorable man with his heart in the right place. I am of the opinion that Bernie has changed electoral politics in this country forever, and that his candidacy can be the start of a much needed paradigm shift-to-the-left for the Democrats. All I have ever protested was the seeming need of his more rabid followers to juxtapose Bernie and Hillary by painting her as some sort of demon and him as some sort of once in a lifetime transcendant figure. I have never bought that characterization of either, and I still don't.