Which Religion is the One True Religion?

Frank Apisa
Reply Tue 21 Jun, 2005 12:34 pm
real life wrote:
Frank Apisa wrote:
Luckily, on this issue...I can't be wrong.

I acknowledge that I do not know the answer to these kinds of Ultimate Questions. And so long as you are willing to grant that "not being available to me" is equivalent to "I do not know"....I cannot be wrong.

Of course, "I don't know" and "It cannot be known" are worlds apart. They do not mean the same thing at all.

If you claim you do not know, of course, nobody will contradict you. But to claim something is out of bounds for any to know simply on the basis that you don't know it is absurd.

Yes it is....just as it is absurd to claim someone claims that when you have absolutely no reason to suppose that I have claimed that.

I have absolutely no idea of what you know or do not know.

I can only speak for myself.

I can suspect you do not know...and from the sound of the theists and atheists with whom I have debate in this forum....I feel I am on very sound groud with that suspicison.

But you will never see me claiming to know what you know.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 21 Jun, 2005 12:39 pm
real life wrote:
timberlandko wrote:
As for biblical contradictions, only by refusing to acknowledge that they exist may the myriad examples of such, some already cited in this discussion, be dismissed.

Since C Imposter is apparently not going to pick up on it, but you have assumed the argument that he put forth. Have at it. Bring out your best supposed contradictions.
How about this question I answered 6 weeks ago. I thought I had done a good job, but instead was subject to much scorn:

Why were the Canaanites to be exterminated?
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Frank Apisa
Reply Tue 21 Jun, 2005 12:41 pm
real life wrote:
timberlandko wrote:
As for biblical contradictions, only by refusing to acknowledge that they exist may the myriad examples of such, some already cited in this discussion, be dismissed.

Since C Imposter is apparently not going to pick up on it, but you have assumed the argument that he put forth. Have at it. Bring out your best supposed contradictions.

Here are a couple hundred contradictions for you to consider, Life.

0 Replies
Reply Tue 21 Jun, 2005 12:46 pm
I'm mesmerized by that S.A.B. site, Frank.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 21 Jun, 2005 12:47 pm
Now you know why I asked Frank to name just one. He did a good job for me too. I'm still working on the answer.

If you don't set a limit, he will serve you with a dieter's portion of legitimate questions buried in an all you can eat smorgasbord of frivolous claptrap.
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Frank Apisa
Reply Tue 21 Jun, 2005 12:51 pm
neologist wrote:
Now you know why I asked Frank to name just one.

You didn't ask me to name just one.

In fact, you didn't ask me anything on this issue.

He did a good job for me too. I'm still working on the answer.


If you don't set a limit....

Isn't that cute. Neo thinks he can set a limit on people who post in A2K. And, if you can fathom this....he thinks he can set a limit on me.

Good grief.

.... he will inundate you with a dieter's serving of legitimate questions buried in an all you can eat smorgasbord of frivolous claptrap.

Sounds like Neo's thesis has been pissed on....and the only way he can respond is by going nuts.

Take it easy, Neo. Still a long way to go in this discussion.
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Frank Apisa
Reply Tue 21 Jun, 2005 12:52 pm
By the way, Neo....my claptrap is never frivolous.
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Frank Apisa
Reply Tue 21 Jun, 2005 12:53 pm
panzade wrote:
I'm mesmerized by that S.A.B. site, Frank.

It is an excellent site, Panz. There is lots more there.

Here is the main page:

0 Replies
Reply Tue 21 Jun, 2005 12:54 pm
I'm sorry Frank. I know it's not your clap, er trap Laughing
0 Replies
Reply Tue 21 Jun, 2005 12:57 pm
Frank Apisa wrote:
neologist wrote:
Now you know why I asked Frank to name just one.

You didn't ask me to name just one.

Take it easy, Neo. Still a long way to go in this discussion.
I was referring to the slavery question. That was in this thread, no? I did ask you to start with your favorite question, right? I didn't actually set a limit; I asked you to limit, right? And you did because you felt sorry for me, right?
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Frank Apisa
Reply Tue 21 Jun, 2005 01:32 pm
neologist wrote:
Frank Apisa wrote:
neologist wrote:
Now you know why I asked Frank to name just one.

You didn't ask me to name just one.

Take it easy, Neo. Still a long way to go in this discussion.
I was referring to the slavery question. That was in this thread, no? I did ask you to start with your favorite question, right? I didn't actually set a limit; I asked you to limit, right? And you did because you felt sorry for me, right?

Ooops. Yes...on the slavery issue...you did....and I did.

Not because I feel sorry for you....you seem capable of handling yourself quite well.

But...the slavery issue never really got handled.

The god of the Bible specifically tells us that slavery is totally okay with him.

I do not understand why Christians feel their god was wrong on this issue.

I'm still waiting for a reasonable explanation from any Christian as to why he or she thinks their god was wrong on it.

Neo...you think the words in Leviticus dealing with slavery are the words of your god...rather than the words of humans putting those words into the mouth of the god.

0 Replies
Reply Tue 21 Jun, 2005 01:57 pm
Ill give you the answer without the explanation:
Yes, I think the cited passage in Leviticus was inspired by God. And, God was not wrong.

No, I can't explain your question on the time, but I think I will be able to wrap it all up soon.

I really think the answers will hinge on why slavery could have been tolerated in the first place and what difference there may be between slavery practiced under biblical law and that of other societies.
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real life
Reply Tue 21 Jun, 2005 02:16 pm
neologist wrote:
real life wrote:
timberlandko wrote:
As for biblical contradictions, only by refusing to acknowledge that they exist may the myriad examples of such, some already cited in this discussion, be dismissed.

Since C Imposter is apparently not going to pick up on it, but you have assumed the argument that he put forth. Have at it. Bring out your best supposed contradictions.
How about this question I answered 6 weeks ago. I thought I had done a good job, but instead was subject to much scorn:

Why were the Canaanites to be exterminated?

Ahh yes, the Why questions.

(I also made reference to this specific issue that you raise not long ago.)

Yes, these Why questions are not actually contradictions. But they are always interesting. "Why does the Bible say....." or like Frank's post regarding slavery "Why does the Bible address this issue in the manner it does?"

Frank goes a little overboard claiming that the ancient manner of slavery was endorsed by the Bible and then further equating that with the American slavery experience.

Many methods of human exploitation -- drug pushers preying on junkies, pimps exploiting prostitutes , etc have been invented by the mind of man.

Of all of these , Jesus commanded "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."

Far from endorsing them, or addressing them with a narrowly worded prohibition, the Bible confronts the spirit of the matter with a complete overarching philosophy that is absolutely opposed to exploitation of any kind.

I had asked Frank if he believed that the Hebrews were actually slaves in Egypt, but as far as I can see he hasn't yet addressed it.
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cicerone imposter
Reply Tue 21 Jun, 2005 02:21 pm
If you're talking about Hebrew slaves that built the pyramids, that's already been shown to be false from artifacts found in the residential grounds of the builders near the pyramids.
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Frank Apisa
Reply Tue 21 Jun, 2005 02:22 pm
neologist wrote:
Ill give you the answer without the explanation:
Yes, I think the cited passage in Leviticus was inspired by God. And, God was not wrong.

If all that is correct...then you must think slavery is just fine.

No, I can't explain your question on the time, but I think I will be able to wrap it all up soon.


Well...the comment from your god definitely came to Moses....and the only time Moses was with the Hebrews....was during the exodus from Egypt. When your god told them it was okay for them to own slaves....they had no slaves to speak of....having been slaves themselves up to their departure.

I really think the answers will hinge on why slavery could have been tolerated in the first place and what difference there may be between slavery practiced under biblical law and that of other societies.

Sounds like wishful thinking....and lots of rationalization.
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Frank Apisa
Reply Tue 21 Jun, 2005 02:29 pm
real life wrote:
Frank goes a little overboard claiming that the ancient manner of slavery was endorsed by the Bible and then further equating that with the American slavery experience.

One...I defy you to find where I equated the slavery of ancient times withk the American slavery experience. You are not restricted to this thread...use any of the hundreds of other threads I've posted in.

(Lemme save you some time...it is not there. You just made that up!)

Many methods of human exploitation -- drug pushers preying on junkies, pimps exploiting prostitutes , etc have been invented by the mind of man.

Yes...and I suspect the "mind of man" made up the slavery bullshyt in the Bible. The god of the Bible specifically says that slavery is okay....permitted.

Deal with that.

Of all of these , Jesus commanded "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."

Yes he did. But he also worshipped the god that said that slavery was okay. And he did not contradict that advisory from the god.

Slavery was just as okay after Jesus as before.

So what is your point?

Far from endorsing them, or addressing them with a narrowly worded prohibition, the Bible confronts the spirit of the matter with a complete overarching philosophy that is absolutely opposed to exploitation of any kind.

Oh nonsense. Wake up.

The exact words of your god are:

"Slaves, male and female, you may indeed possess, provided you BUY them from among the neighboring nations. You may also BUY them from among the aliens who reside with you and from their children who are born and reared in your land. Such slaves YOU MAY OWN AS CHATTELS, and leave to your sons as their hereditary property, MAKING THEM PERPETUAL SLAVES. "

Stop the pretence. All it evokes is laughter.

I had asked Frank if he believed that the Hebrews were actually slaves in Egypt, but as far as I can see he hasn't yet addressed it.

I do not do "believing" Life.

I have no way of knowing anything substantial about the early Hebrew existence. But my guess is that the story of the early Hebrew experience given in the Bible is, to be kind, self-serving.

And as ci pointed out....learned scientists seem to doubt the Egyptian captivity story.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 21 Jun, 2005 02:43 pm
cicerone imposter wrote:
If you're talking about Hebrew slaves that built the pyramids, that's already been shown to be false from artifacts found in the residential grounds of the builders near the pyramids.
Wow, you really do know a lot about the bible! Help me out, though. I can't find in the bible where Hebrews worked on the pyramids. Would you mind providing a citation?
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real life
Reply Tue 21 Jun, 2005 02:49 pm
Frank Apisa wrote:
real life wrote:
Frank goes a little overboard claiming that the ancient manner of slavery was endorsed by the Bible and then further equating that with the American slavery experience.

One...I defy you to find where I equated the slavery of ancient times withk the American slavery experience. You are not restricted to this thread...use any of the hundreds of other threads I've posted in.

(Lemme save you some time...it is not there. You just made that up!)

Many methods of human exploitation -- drug pushers preying on junkies, pimps exploiting prostitutes , etc have been invented by the mind of man.

Yes...and I suspect the "mind of man" made up the slavery bullshyt in the Bible. The god of the Bible specifically says that slavery is okay....permitted.

Deal with that.

Of all of these , Jesus commanded "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."

Yes he did. But he also worshipped the god that said that slavery was okay. And he did not contradict that advisory from the god.

Slavery was just as okay after Jesus as before.

So what is your point?

Far from endorsing them, or addressing them with a narrowly worded prohibition, the Bible confronts the spirit of the matter with a complete overarching philosophy that is absolutely opposed to exploitation of any kind.

Oh nonsense. Wake up.

The exact words of your god are:

"Slaves, male and female, you may indeed possess, provided you BUY them from among the neighboring nations. You may also BUY them from among the aliens who reside with you and from their children who are born and reared in your land. Such slaves YOU MAY OWN AS CHATTELS, and leave to your sons as their hereditary property, MAKING THEM PERPETUAL SLAVES. "

Stop the pretence. All it evokes is laughter.

I had asked Frank if he believed that the Hebrews were actually slaves in Egypt, but as far as I can see he hasn't yet addressed it.

I do not do "believing" Life.

I have no way of knowing anything substantial about the early Hebrew existence. But my guess is that the story of the early Hebrew experience given in the Bible is, to be kind, self-serving.

And as ci pointed out....learned scientists seem to doubt the Egyptian captivity story.

Hi Frank,

Perhaps you will recognize that "slavery" is a very broad term that describes many different practices that have been in and out of human experience over thousands of years.

So when you try to claim that the Bible endorses all "slavery" you really should define your terms and the time period to which you are referring as well as the specific method and practice that you think (since you cannot seem to bring yourself to use the word "believe" ) existed at the time.

So far from making it up, I am referring to your broadbrush approach to the issue of slavery.

Slavery as it has been practiced among the Egyptians, Medes and Persians, Greeks, Romans, Babylonians, Americans and everyone in between represents an extremely wide scope of behaviors and practices so you need to be sure that you are addressing the specific scripture to the specific practice you are questioning when you say "I wonder why...."

Also it is rather odd that you would cite unnamed learned "scientists" who doubt the Egyptian captivity. What about learned historians?

But for the sake of argument, if the Egyptian captivity did not actually happen, perhaps you can explain how an individual (whoever you believe wrote the Torah) was able to convince an entire nation that it did happen, that in fact they had a 400 year history that they knew nothing about and foist upon them hundreds of laws of his own individual making out of the clear blue?
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cicerone imposter
Reply Tue 21 Jun, 2005 03:01 pm
neologist, I never claimed to be knowledgeable about the bible. It's been somewhat of a common knowledge that people who do know about the bible assumed that Hebrew slaves built the pyramids. Here's one excerpt I found on a search engine, ".. that slaves under the Egyptians built the pyramids ... Bible says the Hebrews were slaves to the Egyptians, it almost makes sense! Actually if you ever look into Ancient Hebrew ..." This assumption has since been negated by Egyptologists that have studied the workers residence close to the pyramids.
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Frank Apisa
Reply Tue 21 Jun, 2005 03:04 pm
real life wrote:
Hi Frank...

Hi Life!

Perhaps you will recognize that "slavery" is a very broad term that describes many different practices that have been in and out of human experience over thousands of years.

Yes...and perhaps your god would also.

I am quoting from the Bible....and it says:

"Slaves, male and female, you may indeed possess, provided you BUY them from among the neighboring nations. You may also BUY them from among the aliens who reside with you and from their children who are born and reared in your land. Such slaves YOU MAY OWN AS CHATTELS, and leave to your sons as their hereditary property, MAKING THEM PERPETUAL SLAVES. "

According your your god....you may BUY other human beings....hold them as chattels.....and make them SLAVES perpetually.

This is your god speaking.

If you want the term "slave" explained....why not use that?

It means being able to buy and sell human beings....to consider them chattels....to be able to pass them down to sons as an inheritance....and to make them slaves perpetually.

(The Bible also talks about how much you can beat them....the circumstances under which you make use the women for your sexual pleasure...and how long has to pass (three days) before you are not considered a killer if a slaves dies after a beating. It talks about how to handle teeth that you knock out....and such as that!)

So when you try to claim that the Bible endorses all "slavery" ....

The Bible endorses "slavery."

If you have some slavery in mind that you think is okay....let's talk about it. It must include being able to buy and sell humans (by inference, being able to break up families at will)....it must include the notion of perpetual slavery....and it must include considering the slaves property or chattel.

Whatta ya got in mind?

....you really should define your terms and the time period to which you are referring as well as the specific method and practice that you think (since you cannot seem to bring yourself to use the word "believe" ) existed at the time.[/qjuote]

This is horseshyt. I've defined my terms very well...and you are grasping at straws.

So far from making it up, I am referring to your broadbrush approach to the issue of slavery.

What broadbrush. I am willing to discuss only the slavery your god endorsed!

LEt's talk about that.

Slavery as it has been practiced among the Egyptians, Medes and Persians, Greeks, Romans, Babylonians, Americans and everyone in between represents an extremely wide scope of behaviors and practices so you need to be sure that you are addressing the specific scripture to the specific practice you are questioning....

Jesus Christ, Life....I've actually quoted the goddam passage three times already. How goddam much more specific do you want me to get?

Or are you just up a tree....and instead of having the integrity and honesty to simply acknowldge it....are trying to put a bunch of words out there hoping this whole thing will just go away.



Also it is rather odd that you would cite unnamed learned "scientists" who doubt the Egyptian captivity. What about learned historians?

You are a joke.

But....as ci pointed out....learned historians suspect the Egyptian captivity never happened.

But for the sake of argument, if the Egyptian captivity did not actually happen, perhaps you can explain how an individual (whoever you believe wrote the Torah) was able to convince an entire nation that it did happen, that in fact they had a 400 year history that they knew nothing about and foist upon them hundreds of laws of his own individual making out of the clear blue?

I doubt it happened out of the "clear blue." I suspect it happened as part of (origianlly_ an oral tradition just like the Egyptians and Greeks and Romans and Incans and Norse.... had.

And, if the ancient Hebrews were anything like their modern day ancestors....maybe they were very good at selling things.
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