Which Religion is the One True Religion?

Reply Tue 24 May, 2005 08:00 pm
0 Replies
Reply Tue 24 May, 2005 08:23 pm
Wake up, and calm down young man. You are obviously getting exited and there is no need for that. I am no Spammer. In fact. I am not selling anything, I offer myself as a servant of YAH and expect no Payment nor will I ever, My Attorney friend and I are starting a new NPO called H.A.R.P Human ascension relocation project. We are donating everything we can in to it for the end times we will accept no money however from those who wish to ascend with our assistance.

Any rational person who reads all the posts will see I am not a spammer
and my brother setanta, you are now naked, in front of all of these people because of your foolishness. If you fade off now you might get away with not changing your "handle"

I love you still, you sillyt silly.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 24 May, 2005 08:26 pm
I am not your brother, i ceased to be a young man many years ago, and i am going to hunt down every example of your spam and report it.

Puglia's contribution to this site: http://web4.ehost-services.com/el2ton1/spam.gif
0 Replies
Reply Tue 24 May, 2005 08:32 pm
puglia wrote:
Wake up, and calm down young man. You are obviously getting exited and there is no need for that. I am no Spammer. In fact. I am not selling anything, I offer myself as a servant of YAH and expect no Payment nor will I ever, My friend and I are starting a new NPO called H.A.R.P Human ascension relocation project. We are donating everything we can in to it for the end times we will accept no money however from those who wish to ascend with our assistance.

Any rational person who reads all the posts will see I am not a spammer
and my brother setanta, you are now naked, in front of all of these people because of your foolishness. If you fade off now you might get away with not changing your "handle"

I love you still, you sillyt silly.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 24 May, 2005 08:55 pm
extra medium wrote:

Gospelman, didn't you post somewhere else that you are actually a pastor or some kind of preacher yourself?

Actually, yes I am. I have pastored for a few years but at the moment I am not actively pastoring. I am still involved in the ministry in various areas and continue to preach.
0 Replies
extra medium
Reply Tue 24 May, 2005 08:57 pm
puglia wrote:
Medium: You are not a medium so why do you call yourself one? what properties to you display? What truth do YOU extoll? Who do you LOVE?

LOL. (Must have touched a nerve)

Dearest Puglia,

Where's the Love? That comment doesn't sound very loving...

And after I apologized, no less? Check yourself, your Dark Side is showing.

Which Dead Soul told you to write this comment to me? If this is coming from King Tut let me know cause I always wanted to talk to him.

Are you absolutely certain I am not the Real Medium? Where is your proof that I am not?

There are several meanings of "Medium" Puglia.

But I'll cut you some slack, your cult indoctrination probably only teaches you that One. The one where you channel the Dead?

And finally, oddly enough we are free to call ourselves whatever we wish on here.

Does that trouble you? You are starting to sound more like a cultist all the time.

What are you selling today?

BTW: Love ya! Don't get all in a huff. We just want to see some facts & evidence to back up your claims.
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extra medium
Reply Tue 24 May, 2005 09:00 pm
Thanks for the reply Gospelman.

I am trying to make sense of where we're going with all this.

Gospelman, do you pretty much agree with the things puglia is saying?

Just asking...
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extra medium
Reply Tue 24 May, 2005 09:05 pm

I am still waiting for a reply to my question re:

Are you Jesus?

Are you descended or a member of a Messianic line? Are you specifically sent here to save us?


Seriously. Just wondering. The above is not sarcastic. I really want to know what you believe in this area. Because sometimes it appears this is what you are saying?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 24 May, 2005 09:06 pm
About channeling. Why is it that it is only "King This" or "Queeen That" or the grand imperial poobah that is channeled? No one ever seems to channel the butler or the guy who scoops manure. Is it just me or do others notice this?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 24 May, 2005 09:08 pm
extra medium wrote:
puglia wrote:
Medium: You are not a medium so why do you call yourself one? what properties to you display? What truth do YOU extoll? Who do you LOVE?


Dearest Puglia,

Where's the Love? That comment doesn't sound very loving...

And after I apologized, no less? Check yourself, your Dark Side is showing.

Which Dead Soul told you to write this comment to me? If this is coming from King Tut let me know cause I always wanted to talk to him.

I'm sorry for the insult. All men have emotion. Its growth and advancement we're after. The reason I asked this question of you is that if you were a medium you would understand all of this suppressed knowledge. And I feel close to you because we are both healers. From what I gather off one of you posts.

Sorry for the confusion if I got you wrong

Wait .....Everyone attack puglia! he actually wants us to ascend. OHHHHH,OHHHHH,OHHHH.

Seek truth within yourself or you will not recognize truth without yourself.
(that was new)

0 Replies
extra medium
Reply Tue 24 May, 2005 09:09 pm
gospelmancan2 wrote:
About channeling. Why is it that it is only "King This" or "Queeen That" or the grand imperial poobah that is channeled? No one ever seems to channel the butler or the guy who scoops manure. Is it just me or do others notice this?

This is true. Well I'm glad to see we agree on something.

I take back my request to speak to King Tut. If you can get me one of the slaves that worked on the Pyramids, that would be great.

Adam or Eve or any of their lesser known descendants of the first 10 or so generations would be great too.

Oh heck, I'll make it easy: I'll take Anyone prior to 100 AD! Servant, slave, tailor, butler, whatever...
0 Replies
Reply Tue 24 May, 2005 09:11 pm
I hope you speak aramaic, bubba, 'cause otherwise, it's gonna be a short conversation . . .
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extra medium
Reply Tue 24 May, 2005 09:12 pm
Note that when asked directly, Puglia WILL NOT DENY that he is Jesus or some kind of special messiah.

He repeatedly ignores the question when I ask him. When I read some of his stuff, it appears the writer has a

Messiah Complex.


Note that Puglia refers to himself almost exactly along the lines of the following passage:

John.18.37 Pilate said to him, "So you are a king?" Jesus answered, "You say that I am a king. For this I was born, and for this I have come into the world, to bear witness to the truth. Every one who is of the truth hears my voice."
0 Replies
extra medium
Reply Tue 24 May, 2005 09:16 pm
Setanta wrote:
I hope you speak aramaic, bubba, 'cause otherwise, it's gonna be a short conversation . . .

Good point. Okay, jeez, probably better limit my request to late 19th Century England or USA/Canada, or newer.

But you'd think that if someone could channel the Dead, it wouldn't be too much trouble to simultaneously translate it to modern English?

That would be kind of hilarious: "I've finally figured out how to channel Socrates! But dang no one was around that could understand Greek."
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Reply Tue 24 May, 2005 09:54 pm
Define "some kind of special messiah" for us please. and please share with me exactly how that scripture relates to anything I have said.

If I were some kind of special Messiah or something I don't think I would be here wasting my time with you guys, now would I?

I would have allot of official Messiah business to attend to wouldn't I.

0 Replies
extra medium
Reply Tue 24 May, 2005 09:56 pm
puglia wrote:
Define "some kind of special messiah" for us please. and please share with me exactly how that scripture relates to anything I have said.

If I were some kind of special Messiah or something I don't think I would be here wasting my time with you guys, now would I?

I would have allot of official Messiah business to attend to wouldn't I.


Where's the Love?

Okay...Why are you wasting time here then? If you feel it is a waste of time, why do it?

And are you insinuating a Messiah wouldn't "waste his time" with us? Why? We are somehow not worthy of a Messiah's attention? Are we subhuman or something? I would like to think that a Messiah would lean toward giving attention to seekers on Spiritual Discussion/Exploration Boards? Why, we're beneath him or something?

(And by the way, for the record I note you still don't deny being a messiah...)
0 Replies
Reply Tue 24 May, 2005 10:20 pm
You won't drag me in on this one no no. The Messiah is going to come down from the sky brother not in on the net. I am a guy from new york who has moved out west. I am not the messiah. I am a servant of YAH!
and I will try my very best to act in his best interests which is also in the best interests of all of us.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 25 May, 2005 01:49 am
Which Religion is the One True Religion.
Just joined to reply to what appears to be an earnest inquiry for information.

First, I'm not interested in getting into any pissing contest with anyone else because there is nothing to prove. If you truly believe in your faith. Go out there and help people instead of trying to convert them. Help without any strings tied to /for conversion purposes to show people the light. If the faith is strong enough you don't need to sell it.

second. Your question is basically premised by a semetic religious idea that there can only be "One True Religion' which is something of an oxymoron for Hindus or followers of Sanathan Dharma.

It's like asking if there is one and only one universal perspective / absolute in a universe of possibilities. ie. only one way of seeing. Is there only "one true light" . ie one waveform in the whole spectrum because the human eye cannot perceive the other waveforms. But i Digress.

Your questions

Why do you believe in your religion or your way of life?

I was born into it, but more importantly it makes logical sense to me and gives me the freedom to believe in what I want to believe and jettison everything else without fear of any 'higher' human authority, where no intermediary to the God is necessary or fear of any form of eternal damnation.

Why should I follow your religion (or way of life)? Why is it the one true religion?

Not saying you should. Hinduism does not believe in conversions, forced or 'voluntary'. (Forced - incentives to the poor and ignorant/illiterate)

Hinduism does not state it is an absolute path to God, but offers many different alternatives within it's structure all dependent on personal choice. Only that God is the absolute and able to be percieved in any form the "INDIVIDUAL" desires. Christianity in all forms including Gnostic Thought ,Islam, Buddhism are all valid paths.

The core of Hinduism is the Vedas (ved) meaning to know or the path to inquiry. Athiesm is an accepted (although discounted) and valid rationalle if backed up by logical thinking. The premise being that through self inquiry, comtemplation and meditation (Yoga), the earnest seeker can commune with the divine.

Why should I bet my eternal soul that your religion is the one true religion?

A difference in perspective. In Hinduism, your soul cannot be lost or given , it just is. It is a minute piece of God. Ultimately merging with God.
A drop from the Ocean of the almighty. Like energy it cannot be destroyed or created, but changes form and substance. There is no concept of damnation or of a 'DEVIL' equivalent to God. If you think your soul is finite and destructible and are more comfortable with 'betting' it on a religion that states your soul will be 'saved' then go with that.

Will everyone go to hell, or stay in a lesser place, if they don't follow your religion?

Nope. no one (or being) is irredemable. Hell as and eternal punishment does not exist for Hindus. Hell on earth such as being born in abject poverty or under a totalitarian rule ... well thats pretty obvious and does exist.

Nope. Even if you have a firm belief in the self, That's cool within Hinduism. (SInce the law of karma - cause and effect is universal and exempts no one). So if you believe in yourself and do crummy stuff, you reap what you sow. Crummy stuff right back at you.

Can you convince anyone of the truth of your religion? Can you convince yourself?

I don't need convincing, I'm already on a path/journey. It would be dumb to go back and get on another path to go to (what I think) is the same destination, especially when this path is one I'm Ok with.

I don't need to convince anyone else. In the end, the communication with the almighty described by all teachers that have experienced the divine is very similar if not the same. It's your inquiry. You need to seek what it is you are seeking.

Cut out all the manipulations of fear and propaganda and in the end it's what you are comfortable with.

Bottom Line is that Sanathan Dharma (Hinduism) is a quest for the self to answer the question for each individual "who am I?" (What animates the self, if the self survives the destruction of the physical being ie. Death)

At the end of the day, the questions I think are valid in your quest are :

1. Is it universally valid?

2. Could it's principles be valid on any planet in the universe, without any personages recognised by humanity?

3. Could it apply to people born thousands of years ago, who had no idea or the personages famililar in any of the faiths?

4. Would your ancestors 20,000 years ago have become / communed with God or become self realised or "saved".

5. Does the faith that you choose value the self and individual freedom of thought and inquiry higher than following any other calling?

If you're interested in learning about Hinduism, I have only found one good text in English, as an introduction, that comes close to being the real deal.

The Complete Idiots Guide to Hinduism by Linda Johansen.

Every other text, especially those from the intellectual book mills and universities are for the most part are mostly innacurate and contain misrepresentations by people with a Eurocentric or Judeo Chrisian perspective. Mostly 'judgemental perspectives' from 'scholars' without any impartial viewpoints, who can't see beyond caste, curry and cows.

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extra medium
Reply Wed 25 May, 2005 01:56 am

Thanks for one of the better (IMHO) "serious" posts regarding this question I posted so long ago.

I don't necessarily agree with everything you wrote, but I do appreciate your presentation style, the measured clarity, and respect for the readers.

Some of the evangelists around here could take lessons from you on how to encourage the reader to develop more interest in the religion they are discussing. I like your "take it or leave it" attitude too. Some around here seem to want to hit you over the head with their beliefs.

0 Replies
Reply Wed 25 May, 2005 01:57 am
Apart from that, caste, curry and cows was a wicked turn of phrase for the wind up. I wonder if it were original?
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