Setanta wrote:Your bald assertion that "things are getting worse" does not make it so.
I have not said that individual people are perfectable, but that human nature is.
Your objections confirm my thesis that the human race will no longer stand idly by while such things take place, and treat them as simply a part of the nature of things.
What are we going to do, form an organizaton that calls itself the United Nations? Then we can stand idly by and pretend we are doing something.
If human nature were perfectable wouldn't we have out grown some of our less palatable behaviors by now? (After all, hasn't it had millions of years to perfect? lol)
human nature might never achieve perfection but at least perfection points in the right direction.
Today we have laws, moral codes 'civil' behaviour, education, healthcare, surely its better to have these things than not.
And we have left behind much unpalatable behaviour, or at least made it illegal. Soon (with luck) we will leave behind unpalatable belief systems and primitive religions that have caused such grief to mankind
Agreed Steve, and there are folks here who existed before there even was a United Nations to be scornful of.
Perhaps in a few more generations it will be all that it should be...but it's a start.
Quote:If human nature were perfectable wouldn't we have out grown some of our less palatable behaviors by now? (After all, hasn't it had millions of years to perfect? lol)
That is a great question, shouldn't trial and error produce something better than what we have now?
Quote:And we have left behind much unpalatable behaviour, or at least made it illegal. Soon (with luck) we will leave behind unpalatable belief systems and primitive religions that have caused such grief to mankind
Religion has not caused grief to mankind, mankind has caused grief to mankind. The problems of man are not in his ignorance or even in his intelligence, likewise the problems of the world won't be solved by a formula; but rather the problem lies in the morality of man and the lack of respect between men. Our answer lies in the bible my friends...
Thunder, from an evolutionary perspective humanity is close to well adapted to it's environment that it has learned how to control the environment and humanity is spreading like wildfire across the face of the planet. No animal can compete with us right now.
(Keep in mind that "evolution" is not a thing and it has no purpose, no outcome in mind... it's just an explanation of what happens)
Alternatively, if a god made us, then he probably could have put a bit more effort into it.
Quote:Alternatively, if a god made us, then he probably could have put a bit more effort into it.
Oh, you should of seen us when we were first mad, oh man we were so perfect....but no, we had to go and mess it up!
Quote:Thunder, from an evolutionary perspective humanity is close to well adapted to it's environment that it has learned how to control the environment and humanity is spreading like wildfire across the face of the planet. No animal can compete with us right now.
Quote:(Keep in mind that "evolution" is not a thing and it has no purpose, no outcome in mind... it's just an explanation of what happens)
Agreed, but if we are just pieces of meat, intelligent ones, why hasn't our trial and error produced better people? Why does it seem we are '
Note your use of the word "seem." We have better medical care, better food, more effecient agriculture, lower proportional crime rates, better housing--despite these improvements not being universal, both those in the worst conditions and those in the best, are better off than people in the same categories merely a century ago. There are more than six billion people on the planet now, and the system still manages to sustain them. You can dredge up whatever gloom you wish--plague, famine, wars and rumors of war--but you only know about those things because we have better communications than has ever been the case. You have no point of comparison, because such communications were not available in the past, and there are, therefore, insufficient records for events everywhere to provide you a basis for a meaningful comparison. Where records are better, they invariably show improvement in the human condition.
I realize it is an article of unofficial faith among the religiously extreme that things are sliding into destruction. I realize that you all look forward to the final battle of good and evil, and the coming of the Lord. But do try to pay attention--the world is not so badly off as you would like to suggest. You may have a long wait for the second coming.
"Our answer lies in the bible my friends..."
Which page?
the inside cover - where the publisher's name is probably given.
They should also list the fabricators of the myths written therein.
They did....Mathew, Mark, Luke, John.....
Quote:They should also list the fabricators of the myths written therein.
Again, please back up your slanderous remarks. You said the same thing in another thread and we asked for proof, and you never replied.
Bullshyt I posted article after article relative to the myths of the bible as have others. Either you cannot read or what is more likely you have a problem with reality. I guess that is the way it is with the religiously brainwashed.
au1929 wrote:thunder_runner32
Bullshyt I posted article after article relative to the myths of the bible as have others. Either you cannot read or what is more likely you have a problem with reality. I guess that is the way it is with the religiously brainwashed.
Could you link that place for me, I can't find it?
I have no intention of searching thru the past responses on either of the two threads. I will leave task to you. You should have been reading the reponses as they were posted. And it isn't an "it" it is many.
Do you remember which thread it was?
Start with these. And when have finished if you are really interested there are many more that detail the origins of religion. Specifically Judaism and it's offspring Christianity.
One comment: Those links have got an unusually high amount of speculation.