What you are going though is difficult, no one should be put through this. Reading this makes me angry at your new boyfriend. He is lying to you. He is lying to his wife. He is manipulating both of you.
If this happened to me, I would break off this relationship immediately. I realize that it is difficult to break off a relationship. But, this is not a good relationship for you to be in. It has already caused you pain, you deserve better.
If you look at this rationally, he has already lied to you and he has already hurt you. I don't see any reason for you to hope that this guy will every be good for you. He is acting in a way that is manipulative and hurtful... that says a lot about who he is. You deserve better. You should break away from him, he will not make you happy in the end.
My advice is that you leave him completely and permanently. With this type of break up you should end it completely; make it clear that you don't want anything to do with him, don't talk to him, don't answer texts. This is the best way for you to protect yourself (which is the important thing).
Then take some time to heal from this bad relationship, and move on.