Quote:My son (an engineer with Conoco Phillips) explained in language way too technical for me to follow why hydrogen fueled cars would be far too costly and impractical and would be even less energy conserving and possibly less environmentally friendly than using diesel and gasoline. He believes other alternate forms of energy for transportation will be developed for universal use long before hydrogen can be made practical.
I read an article not too long ago which basically confirmed for me what your son has told you. Basically it's so expensive and you would need so much fuel to go more than 5 miles that you'd end up sitting on a hydrogen fuel tank -- which probably isn't a good idea. At least that's what I think I remember of the article. Also, the hydrogen hyped in the latest administration plan comes from fossil fuels.
I've always been curious why the already existing hybrid technology (Honda and Toyota) isn't hyped more for the simple fact that it already exists. Toyota even has a hybrid SUV coming out soon. Whenever I inquire about these cars I'm told there is a wait list a mile long. It seems like we could toss a tax break at Toyota and Honda and get them to make more. It's not the complete solution but it seems like a step in the right direction and maybe a natural bridge to fully electric cars. Then maybe there could be different ways to generate the electiricity for the cars -- water, wind, nuclear, etc...