@Robert Gentel,
Robert Gentel wrote:So according to your own logic you are a person who wants to deny "civil rights" then right? And according to you again, this makes you a "bad person" and comparable to the "KKK" and "Fascists"?
The KKK and Fascists seek to violate rights that my culture cherishes.
Gun control advocates seek to violate rights that my culture cherishes.
Nambla proposes a right that is counter to my culture's values.
Robert Gentel wrote:You should simply admit that there are rights you like and rights you don't (you describe them as ones that are part of your culture and ones that are not) and stop pretending that you have some moral high ground to compare anyone advocating gun control to the KKK et al as people who want to deny "civil rights". That was just silly rhetoric.
I don't cede the high ground. I defend civil rights that my culture cherishes. They violate civil rights that my culture cherishes.
Robert Gentel wrote:But that seems to be the point here, the objection to the collection of the data makes it clear that scientific answers aren't as important as automatic gainsay.
We've seen so many "studies" come up with nonsensical claims that it's just heard to trust the idea of more studies.
And then also, it is hard to see what point the studies would have even if we could ensure that they were fair and accurate. Even if it were definitely true that guns caused a problem, we'd insist on keeping our guns.