CalamityJane wrote:
Don't ask! I will never understand why anyone is so hung up on the 2nd Amendment. I don't want to even go down this road of hollow, but it never ceases to amaze me, how the biggest proponents of the 2nd amendment are the same ones whose mental health is severely challenged. That's the scary part, like playing Russian Roulette with an entire nation - never knowing when the bullet hits.
I do not care for guns, except for declared wars by legitimate nations. However, as an urbanite I try to understand the viewpoint of those rural folks that live on the side of a road, and know that there are sociopathic individuals that might just come to their house for purposes other than bringing gifts.
With that in mind, I also try to understand that as a nation we are very diverse, and many demographics just don't trust other demographics. Plus, alcohol is the drug of choice for most Americans. Those two realities makes for possible paranoia, or at least a nostalgia for the earliest days in America where all people that mattered were basically one demographic within one religion.
But, I do believe the U.S. will muddle through, at least those that have acquired the wisdom (aka, street smarts to avoid dangerous situations).