Hey, it rhymes!
Don't mind me, oralloy, my dear friend. I'm just a nonvoter living in a one-party state -- Texas, the reddest of the red.
I'm completely disillusioned with the political process. I predict that the Donald (the biggest and most macho clown from the clown car) will win the Republican presidential nomination and that he will be elected. The country is about to enter a period of protracted reaction that will last generations -- a mad rush back to the late 19th century. (Trendy progressives have helped to bring about this sad situation. No more moderates, pragmatists, or centrists!) The sinister Koch brothers, who pump an endless supply of money into extreme right-wing causes and politicians (who, in comparison, make Bob Dole -- who, aside from my wife, has been my favorite Republican -- look like a liberal) happen to be the sons of one of the founders of the wretched John Birch Society -- the organization that during the early 1960s falsely and publicly accused my sister (then a college student) of being a Communist simply because she launched a petition to the national headquarters of her sorority to urge them to drop their racist bylaws. Referring to the Koch brothers and their racist father: An apple doesn't fall far from the tree, so the trite saying goes. Hey, the Republican-majority Supreme Court (led by that Uncle Tom named Clarence Thomas) eviscerated the Voting Rights Act. (I wonder why.) When more right-wingers are appointed, I'm sure it won't be long when the 1964 Civil Rights Act will be overturned. (Incidentally, David Duke supports Trump. I wonder why.) Oh, well, in a spirit of resignation, once this political disaster has occurred this fall, I'll put politics out of my mind completely (as long as certain individuals in my life have the sense to keep their mouths shut about politics!) and go read a book.
By the way, my dear sweet wife (and mother of our two wonderful daughters!) has left the Republican Party to become an independent because of all the white Southern conservative (i.e., segregationist) Democrats who hijacked her party. But she's still not a progressive. She'll probably sit out the election with me.
I'm entitled to ramble and be ornery because I'm a member of this forum albeit not a leading one.
(Am I "rude, crude, and socially unacceptable"? Oh, I certainly hope so!) And, no, I refuse to accept the claim that "Uncle Tom" is a racist term. A derogatory term? Yes, most definitely! But a racist one? Nah, of course not.
Good night, folks -- friends and brethren (as well as all you trolls and assorted enemies). Don't let the bedbugs bite.
To quote a line of dialogue from a great episode of the old
Outer Limits series entitled "The Guests" (1964): Pleasant dreams within dreams, everyone!