The "random mutation is insufficient" crowd sadly, is as free of any evidence (just like the IDers) and, to many, the entire story of evolution is not that douche baggy simple. Its a complex interaction of heredity, morphological changes, adaptation, and EXTINCTION.
The "neutral theory " folks, while having an interesting hypothesis of occurence of a portion of what drives evolution, seem to miss everything else. AND IDers like you just cherry pick articles that seem to pose this "schism" in the sciences as valid evidence of a great gulf in knowledge and agrowing"War" among workers. Thats just bullshit. Nice try Lamont, I think the folks here who read can see your patterns of presentation.
All I have to say is that Lifes too complex to leave it to an intelligent design fable.
The concept of a "neutral theory" was actually started by Darwin and most of the science writers fail to recognize this fact. I smile whenever I read scientists who, in thir ignorance of the history of science, want so much to "do their great thing" and fail to give the great man his due.