yes, because evidence has shown that, if you follow Gould's and Eldredges field formations all the way into central New York, there exists a set of intermediate fossil spirifers that appear to dscredit "Punctuated Equilibrium"> PE was a "flvor of the day" for about 10 years until counter evisence began to show up. Gould tried to argue it out but I think he saw his field data was being discredited (No fraud, just lck of time in his and Eldredge's efforts to see that the very formation was not geographically extensive)
PE and "Saltation " are often confused but they are not the same at all. In PE, the ancestral forms must exist along side the derived forms. In saltation its ony old and new forms in the respective rock layers and the time is geologiclly short > In the case of Gould, the intervening time as determined by "missing" strqtigrqphy, was later "Found' as a time strat unit that lay in between G&E's studied layers and represented much of the "missing time"