Yawn, chirality of the amino acids used in life is a given because we can only have DNA be a spiral if chirality is preserved in the nucleotides. Is there a R rotatory amino acid packed DNA (its a possibility as long as the enantioners are preserved as LorD).
19 of the 20 amino acids (except glycine, which is achiral) in proteins in LIVING species are .L.The neat thing is that, to date, I think weve found like 9 or the 20 amino acids in spectra of stars and supernovae, and in organic chemistry, PAsteur discovered mixtures of L/D molecules in solutions of salts.(He was able to split this up by using a polarizing filter).
Life a;so prefers C12 heavy organics. Other stuff, like carbonatite salts and non -living organics are a mix or prefer C13. Thus, some of the first fossils were merely C12 blobs in ancient water bodies. Life seemed to start out real slow with not too many proterozoic wooly mammoths or even fishes and birds.
Its gonna be really hard to come up with a work plan to do a credible investigation of whether life was poofterated into existence by a mountain spirit,magic turtle, or big plate a pasta.
Miller Urey experiments are alive and well, scientists have merely ajusted the chemical environment of the early earth. Was it a major reducing environment ? was water in short supply?
IDers are always shorting the game before the seventh inning stretch. Science sits back, quietly absorbs the criticism and says"If you can do better, be our guest"