Thanks, jespah.
Really, why dint I see that coming? I thought everything's been driven by circumstance when I got in the picture.. Before meeting her in person, she'd already dropped hints that she was not happy in their relationship, thus giving myself some motivation to really step in.
To hasten the process, I kind of used some old tricks up my sleeve which led her to fly to my city and find reason to meet me in person.. She was really surprised and amazed to know it was me and not some friend(s) playing pranks on her.
Her work requires her to travel mostly... I saw her itinerary. While she's in the city for a short while, she normally stays at her boyfriend's. From the time she was here and flew back, as our jobs didn't require much of our time, we'd spent most of the time together.
We'd agreed to keep this a secret. I stole kisses though she'd warned me not to, until she got comfortable somehow.
The thing is, and I thought I would just do later, I never got to ask how long she was in the relationship, how the relationship with her boyfriend had been and such now that I was in the picture. All I knew they were not seeing eye to eye on most things.
During a pour-out discussion on our feelings, she said she didn't know how things between us would work out 'cause she had a bf. She's happy with me but we're supposed to be just friends and friends don't kiss.
"You know I'm already committed," she said. "would you want me commit to you too?"
I told her that commitment couldn't be told unto a person. "If you search your feelings and find me there, you weigh it in. And you would know if you want me in your life.. Then commitment follows."
I thought everything was fine even when she flew back. I drove her to the airport both of us in high spirits. She will be coming back in a few days as she will be spending the holidays here and I am supposed to pick her up at the airport and proceed with our discussed holiday plans.
It all happened in 10 days. When I read your comment, I asked myself what did I miss here? Is she really manipulating me? Really? Wow!
To break our communication for a while, I texted her early yesterday giving an excuse to "help a lady friend out who's in trouble". Not heard from her since. I'm kinda skeptic now to see her again.
What's your advice? If she really is playing me.. is there a subtle way to let her learn something out of this?