@Robert Gentel,
For what it's worth, I think you are being unfair to hawkeye. He may be the most downvoted in A2K history, but he is also one of the most prodigious posters, prodigiously posting during a period in which downvoting has run amok. He has a reliable fan base that enjoy calling him silly names like "whackeye" and the like and take even greater pleasure in reflexively thumbing down his posts, no matter what he writes. By now you certainly must realize that for a lot of members, downvoting posts is a spiteful game that has nothing to do with content and community or personal policing. For a lot of these folks, no matter how loudly they protest otherwise, A2K would just not be as much fun without hawkeye.
I think your use of the downvote as a measure of anyone's annoyance quotient is somewhat self-serving and hardly objective, but the assertion that hawkeye is responsible for "a significant amount of the decline of A2K," can't possibly be based on objective criteria and clearly reflects personal bias. That's fine in that you're entitled to personal opinion and bias and your own occasional embrace of personalized attacks is quite mild by A2K standards, but if you're going to embrace it at all, it comes across far less obnoxious if you're not simultaneously copping the role of the Mind of the Great Machine.
I've had my differences with hawkeye and suffice it to say I don't see him as someone of like mind, but if you are looking for members who have consistently heaped nothing but crap on this forum, and who have repeatedly driven away members there are much better candidates. That you broadly share their political views may, however, make them less obvious to you.
Since you have the stats at hand, perhaps you can easily determine how many threads he has started. While many, if not, most of them are provocative, they are generally relevant to the issues of the day and not wild diatribes. I could be wrong because I don't have the stats or care to, but my sense, as well, is that his threads get pretty good participation. If some or much of that participation is limited to clowns insulting him in new and more colorful ways, that's hardly his fault.
There has been a certain behavior prevalent on A2K from early on. It is childish, but it's practice is not limited to children. I'm writing of the practice of groups ganging up on a selected member, much the way wolves target the animal they perceive to be the weakest member of the herd, and grade school bullies target the kid they believe to be the weakest member of the class. The late, lamented and much revered, on A2K, Dyslexia was quite skilled at this and he and his pack were specifically successful in driving out of the forum the former member Foxfyre. Many disagreed with and had no use for her opinions, which is par for the course, but it would be absurd to suggest that she invited rough treatment because she dished it out. I think there was, originally, an effort to affect the same result with hawkeye as was achieved with foxfyre and a number of others, but, obviously, that was never going to work with him. Some of the more familiar characters of A2K may claim they left the forum because of hawkeye, but none were bullied by him and I really doubt any less forceful members were either.
Once again, it's your forum to do with as you like and if you decide to ban certain members for behaviors you find objectionable so be it. I certainly wouldn't blame you or necessarily find fault in such action. It would just be nice, however, to see a selection process that reflected objective criteria.