Wed 25 Nov, 2015 07:36 pm
So I'm a junior in high school, and I'm moving from a small, country town public school to a big city private school. I don't know anyone at this school, so I'm starting from scratch, but I'm not skilled with making a good first impression, I'm not good with words, I've never really fit in with anyone, and I get nervous around new people and cute girls. I'm an athlete, so I'll get along with my teammates fine, but its the other people that I'll have trouble with. the only things I'm good at are sports and rapping/singing, so I wont have much in common with people. what can I do to help me break my shell?
It might help to keep this old saying in mind.
Quote:“Let a fool hold his tongue and he will pass for a sage.”
―Publilius Syrus
So you're saying just go in and be a fly on the wall for a while?
Well, you can't be anyone but yourself. Still, if it seems as though someone wants to chat with you, don't discourage them.
Try to say hi or hello to at least one new person every day.