tax cuts to the rich is a bunch of BS. and yes 80% of the bush's tax cuts went to the richest 20% of americans (almost all millionaires)
if you disagree, argue your case here...
Centroles - I think the NRA isn't impressed with Kerry. I can't support, but I remember something pretty well of how that's how he wants to be perceived, but in reality he isn't.
RE: Taxes
Pick up "Perfectly Legal" and you'll see who really pays the taxes.
Kerry is a hunter my ass.
Dubya hunts. Has all his life.
I hunt. I also know a bunch of f*cking idiots who go hunting.
So what if Bush or Kerry hunts? How does that matter in any way?
I hope you do your best to train your f*ucking idiot friends how to be ethical hunters.
heh. I didn't say they were my friends. But I do emphasize gun safety whenever I get a chance.
Cycloptichorn wrote:I hunt. I also know a bunch of f*cking idiots who go hunting.
So what if Bush or Kerry hunts? How does that matter in any way?
Because there are an awful lot of hunters, anglers, and even trappers in the U.S. who vote with their sport in mind. That's how it matters.
I guess so. There's nothing you can do to stop idiots from voting for a candidate for retarded reasons, so you can't really make an argument against this...
You've just managed to explain why anyone would actually vote for Kerry.
The Real Focus
What the issue really is is centered around the Second Amendment. The hunting is an offshoot (no pun intended). That, in many people's minds, is THE issue on which they'll make up their minds.
Back to the discussion of tax cuts, would anyone actually care to challenge the assertion in this thread that the current round of tax cuts favors the rich big time?
Or should we stand around and make partisan jabs at each other some more? I'm game either way.
I'm no millionaire, but the child tax credit was one of the best bonuses I've recieved in a long time.
Re the Second Amendment: I find it interesting that the NRA has succeeded in making it a "my way or the highway" issue. They define what the amendment means, and they define what it means to support the amendment.
Brilliant strategy for them, I guess, as they're awash in money and influence. And true believers, apparently, who think adherence to the NRA line determines who to elect president...
Plus, they have all the guns. Lots of lobbying power there, yaknow?
I was excited to get $400 last year...
but I had to give it back this year. I'm still not sure what that was all about.
The child tax credit was $1000/child. $400/child was sent out by the feds last year. You should have been able to claim an additional $600/kid on your 2003 return. For me that worked out to $3000. My accountant daughter was mad because I spent some of it on a new TV.
Oh, on the topic of hunters and anglers who vote, does anyone here know how big the hunting/fishing industry is in the U.S.? To be conservative, it is on a par with the auto industry. In the multiple billions/year.
The question is, should/do people vote for a candidate based on the fact that they enjoy the same recreational activities as they do?
I, for example, jog three times a week. The personal fitness industry is huge as well. But I wouldn't vote for a candidate based upon the fact that they jog as well....
You might if you sold running shoes though, Al.