Quote:The only bias towards the rich is what the left has propagandized. The "poor" haven't actually paid taxes in years and they continue to pay no taxes. The rich received a tax cut, that means they pay less taxes. that's the purpose of a tax cut isn't it?
Now, if someone actually had to start paying more taxes because the rich were paying less, then you might have a point, but as they haven't, you have no case.
I normally leave the tax discussions to those who are more well-informed than I am, but I can tell you about my thoughts on the subject.
From an objective perspective, it would seem to be a question of percentages.... you say that the poor don't pay taxes and will continue to not pay taxes. I, myself, work a half-time job in the morning and freelance during the day whilst I finish up some college classes. I pay about 17% taxes on what I bring in, with social security counted.
If that number was raised to 27%, I would not be able to effectively live my life. That would leave me no room to manuever, whatsoever, or to save money for a rainy day, whatever.
Compare to a relatively rich person. If you have, say, an income of 200k a year, and your taxes go up from 30% to 35%, your ability to support your family, etc, is basically unchanged. Sure, your ability to have as many toys as before is limited, but your basic situation is unchanged.
Comparatively, taxes mean just as much to the individuals who are paying them who happen to be poor as they do to those who are rich, if not more. Many of us exist at a level of income that does not allow enough room for real security. Therefore, let me say that the taxes paid by the poor, while perhaps not adding up to as much as those of just some of the rich, mean just as much to the people who are paying them, and should be considered to be just as important.
Therefore, when I see a rich man get a tax cut giving him an extra 50k a year, when our nation is in a deep deficit and our governmental spending is out of control, and my taxes remain the exact same as they were previously, I question the wisdom of this tax cut. The fact that the current admin has many, many ties to businesses and the elite in this country, who just happen to profit the most from this tax cut out of everyone, makes me question the wisdom of this tax cut.
Just my thoughts.