Foxfyre Wrote:
Quote:Cyclop would have us believe that only George Bush lied about Saddam's WMD. All the rest of these illustrious people were simply stupid I guess and can't be held accountable. It's funny how partisanship can make one think.
<smashes head against the wall in frustration>
I never said that ONLY Bush lied... why do you insist on putting words in my mouth, Fox? It's really frustrating to others when you straw-man their argument like that.
Nevertheless. There was one group of people who had access to all the information when the case for the war against Iraq was made. This was the executive branch of the U.S. government. Congress got all the info that the execs. sought fit to give them, and based upon the info they were given, the war seemed neccessary. Never mind the fact that the information was incredibly crappy, the intel way off.
I still have a copy of Colin Powell testifying before the U.N. about WMD. I bet he feels like a damn fool now...
The administration KNEW they were going to war in Iraq long before 9/11. They created a story and sold it to the American people based upon fear. That, to me, is lying. They diverted money that was earmarked for the effort in Afghanistan and used it to plan a war on Iraq. That, to me, is lying.
The admin keeps changing it's stance. First we were looking for
then, after we couldn't find those, it's
WMD programs
And, when we didn't find any of those, it was
WMD program related activities
Which could be almost anything. When someone keeps shifting their story, it's a pretty good sign that they are not being truthful in the first place.
Quote:May have been a threat in the future?
Thats entirely possible,but knowing his record,and his penchant for attacking his neighbors and Using WMD against his own people,what would you have done?
Would you have the US wait till one of our cities were attacked?
Would you have waited till Iraq attacked one of our allies?
Turkey? Israel? Saudi Arabia? Which country do you consider as expendable?
I would have worked within the U.N. and taken the time to find out the truth about WMD over there before I rushed in like a fool. I would have taken the time to make realistic plans for governing the area afterwards. I would have bolstered our defenses here at home, beefed up the coast guard and border patrols, and worked on cross-agency intelligence in order to stop attacks against us.
I WOULDN'T have attacked Iraq based on a false case I had to present to my people.
Jesus Christ you conservatives are forgiving. If the CEO of a company had presented a case to his shareholders based on such false information, he would have his ass handed to him once it becomes apparent. But you shareholders seem not to care, at all! Do you people not care at all that the case made for the war on Iraq was false? You don't care that people have died for false reasons? You don't think that affects a person's honor, a Nations honor?
There is a definable difference between recognizing the threat/unstable nature of a person/region, and deciding to commit troops to a war there, especially in the middle of an UNFINISHED war (that is the part that makes me the angriest, I think).
You try to take the heat off of Bush by saying that EVERYONE thought Saddam was a threat. Well, there's a saying that I think applies especially well in this case - The Buck Stops Here. When you are in charge, you are responsible for the things that happen on your watch. Bush made the call to go to war. Congress was manipulated into agreeing with him through false intel and scare tactics. Whether or not he is the man behid the policy (I kind of doubt he is), it was implemented in his name, on his watch, and HE has responsibility for it.
Finn Said:
Quote:Cyclop wrote:
Bush lied.
At the very least, he failed to provide Due Dilligence as our elected leader in the implementation of his duties as head of our armed forces
Well, are you sure he lied or not?
Oh, I'm sure. But I realize some of you will never agree with me, b/c you have chosen not to.