The tolerant atheist

Reply Sun 20 Aug, 2017 04:37 pm
Why on earth would such a being have gender of any sort.

Well, yeah, that's what I would like to know, too. Whoever he bred with, he must have gotten a divorce from her some two thousand years ago. Why else would he have never mentioned her in all that time

It is a scary thought, though. Something of that nature would have to have balls the size of planets; and not planets like Mercury or Mars, but like Jupiter or Saturn!

I shouldn't be so irreverent. Bound to get thumbed down. By the way, whatever you do, don't make light of the fact that Dick Gregory looks like Whitman Mayo. You'll get so many downed thumbs that if you put them all end to end and then turned them around, they'd stick up your ass so far that the top one would choke you. They're very touchy about their Dick.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 Aug, 2017 05:15 pm
Dear readers here, do you recall that I asked Glennn to do the following thing?
"Tell me in less than 50 words what you want me to concur with you on, that you know to be grounded on truths, facts, logic, science, or even the best thoughts of mankind from since the dawn of man's conscious intelligence - and don't forget to also factor in your experiences, okay?"

He did not do that, instead he goes into something else; that is why I tell you the man is into continuous perpetual evasiveness, he never cares to link up with me, see what he did. he writes:
In order to answer your question concerning whether or not the god you believe in actually exists, you would first have to describe that god, and then you would have to tell me what evidence you have that it is what you say it is. So, we will get started on that.

What is it that convinced you that the god you believe in is male? And what is it that convinced you that the (male) god had a son? Now, in as many words as is necessary, give me the answers to these questions. If you fail to do so, I will be forced to assume that you do not wish to disclose that information. But keep in mind that if you do not wish to disclose that information, I will be forced to ask you why you wish to keep it a secret.

Okay, again, dear Glennn, please perform the task I am asking you to do, namely:
"Tell me in less than 50 words what you want me to concur with you on, that you know to be grounded on truths, facts, logic, science, or even the best thoughts of mankind from since the dawn of man's conscious intelligence - and don't forget to also factor in your experiences, okay?"

Now, dear readers, let us all sit back and again await to witness another evasiveness of Glennn, for the man is to the core into evasiveness; how can anyone talk with him when he is into straying away from the topic of the exchange, all the time.

Okay, first Glennn, don’t do anything at all, but please comply with this request from me:
"Tell me in less than 50 words what you want me to concur with you on, that you know to be grounded on truths, facts, logic, science, or even the best thoughts of mankind from since the dawn of man's conscious intelligence - and don't forget to also factor in your experiences, okay?"
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Reply Sun 20 Aug, 2017 06:14 pm
Tell me in less than 50 words what you want me to concur with you on

I want you to concur with me that there is no way for you to know that the cause of that-which-is happens to be male and also happens to have a son.

To whom it may concern, please take note that in order to answer the question concerning whether or not I believe that the god Sus believes in actually exists, I requested that he first describe that god, and then tell me what evidence he has that it is what he says it is. So far, he is refusing to oblige.

I also asked him to tell me what convinced him that the god he believes in is a male who has a son? He failed to answer, which forces me to assume that he does not wish to disclose that information. So now I will ask him why he wishes to keep that information a secret. Let's see if he will answer at least that question.
Reply Mon 21 Aug, 2017 03:21 am
Dear Glennn, sorry, but can you rewrite this text which you want me to concur on with you:
1. I want you to concur with me
2. that there is no way for you to know
3. that the cause of that-which-is happens
3.a. to be male
3.b. and also happens to have a son.

You see, it is better, will you concur with me, that you make a simple statement, like,
"Will you (Susmariosep) concur with me (Glennn) that we both have a nose in our face?"

You are really a guy who wants to make things so confusingly vague, that only you know why.

But I can imagine, from your routine of evasiveness, it is because you want to really make things confusing to me, and I hope you can honestly change that character in you.

I propose that you just ask me to concur with you that guys have penis and girls have vagina, okay?

Or you explain what you mean by that text from you, in as much words as you need to make it clear; still, just choose one thing which is clear to you to exist, and ask me to concur with you, like you want me to concur with you that you came from a woman who is your mother.

Dear readers here, let us all sit back and await to witness what Glennn will do now, will he make more confusing statements, and ask me to concur with him on them.

Or he will take my suggestion, be simple with what he knows to be existing like his mother, and require me to concur with him on that.
Reply Mon 21 Aug, 2017 07:27 am
You see, it is better, will you concur with me, that you make a simple statement, like, "Will you (Susmariosep) concur with me (Glennn) that we both have a nose in our face?"

Very well. Will you (Susmariosep) concur with me (Glennn) that there is no way for you to know that the cause of that-which-is happens to be a male who also happens to have a son.

Do you concur, or are you going to continue evading?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 21 Aug, 2017 07:39 am
Please ... can you two get a room?
Reply Mon 21 Aug, 2017 08:21 am
Sorry, but your wife is still occupying the room that I spent my last twenty-eight dollars on. She's a slow dresser.

Trollin's fun, huh?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 21 Aug, 2017 10:16 am
I've got a lovely room in Copenhagen. I've been up since 0.30am mind.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 21 Aug, 2017 02:13 pm
[ Postscript to Glennn, please if this post is too long for your attention span, just go to the text at the end which I put in bold for your honest sincere serious productive consideration, instead of more flippancy, evasiveness and hatred toward me. ]

Do you notice, dear readers here, that my opponent posters here are in effect running around like headless chickens, instead of attending to the rewriting of something they know to exist, and they like to talk with me about it, so that we all will concur that it exists, like for example, that Glennn and they all flippant and headless like chickens with their heads chopped off, they all came forth from a woman their mother.

There, dear Glennn, are you going to write something clear and simple that you will invite me to concur on with you, on its existence, or you will continue with your evasiveness?

Let us all, dear readers here, sit back and await to witness what Glennn and my opponent posters will take to this time around.

To Glennn, please take to good heart and mind, as to consider following my suggestion to you, the text in bold below at the end:
• Post: # 6,488,216 • Susmariosep | Mon 21 Aug, 2017 03:21 am

Dear Glennn, sorry, but can you rewrite this text which you want me to concur on with you:
1. I want you to concur with me
2. that there is no way for you to know
3. that the cause of that-which-is happens
3.a. to be male
3.b. and also happens to have a son.

You see, it is better, will you concur with me, that you make a simple statement, like:
"Will you (Susmariosep) concur with me (Glennn) that we both have a nose in our face?"

You are really a guy who wants to make things so confusingly vague, that only you know why.

But I can imagine, from your routine of evasiveness, it is because you want to really make things confusing to me, and I hope you can honestly change that character in you.

I propose that you just ask me to concur with you that guys have penis and girls have vagina, okay?

Or you explain what you mean by that text from you, in as much words as you need to make it clear; still, just choose one thing which is clear to you to exist, and ask me to concur with you, like you want me to concur with you that you came from a woman who is your mother.

Dear readers here, let us all sit back and await to witness what Glennn will do now, will he make more confusing statements, and ask me to concur with him on them.

Or he will take my suggestion, be simple with what he knows to be existing like his mother, and require me to concur with him on that.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 21 Aug, 2017 03:17 pm
So, dear readers--and those not so dear--take note that Sus had instructed me to tell him in less than 50 words what I want him to concur with me on. Also take note that I complied by making it clear to him that I want him to concur with me on the fact that there is no way for him to know that the cause of that-which-is happens to be male and also happens to have a son. And please be witness to the fact that, rather than concur with me, he instead decided to accuse me of being ". . . really a guy who wants to make things so confusingly vague . . ."

Sus, will you concur with me that there is no way for you to know that the cause of all-that-is happens to be male and also happens to have a son?
Reply Tue 22 Aug, 2017 01:03 am
Glennn wrote:

So, dear readers--and those not so dear--take note that Sus had instructed me to tell him in less than 50 words what I want him to concur with me on.

That's all I read, and I'm betting I read more than most. Nobody gives a ****, by all means continue your flirtation but don't fool yourself into thinking anyone's interested.
Reply Tue 22 Aug, 2017 06:31 am
Dear Glennn, you miss the most important part of my post to you, and it is because you are always into evasiveness.

Read this text below in Annex, but I will just give it to you now and here, so that you will not read as to miss what I am referring to - owing to your penchant for evasiveness:
Dear readers here, let us all sit back and await to witness what Glennn will do now, will he make more confusing statements, and ask me to concur with him on them.

Or he will take my suggestion, be simple with what he knows to be existing like his mother, and require me to concur with him on that.

And cease and desist from telling readers that I am insulting you, I am just into telling them the facts with you, one of them is always keeping to evasiveness.

Dear readers, let us now sit back and await with bated breath to witness what is the reaction of Glennn to this post.

Will he choose something clear and simple he knows to be existing. like his mother; or he goes into evasiveness with a long-winded confusing thought.

He is taking readers here to be fools as to not take notice that he is all the time into evasiveness, like at present with all manners of confusing verbiage, limited to 50 words as per my request, though.

• Post: # 6,488,550 • Susmariosep | Mon 21 Aug, 2017 02:13 pm

[ Postscript to Glennn, please if this post is too long for your attention span, just go to the text at the end which I put in bold for your honest sincere serious productive consideration, instead of more flippancy, evasiveness and hatred toward me. ]

Do you notice, dear readers here, that my opponent posters here are in effect running around like headless chickens, instead of attending to the rewriting of something they know to exist, and they like to talk with me about it, so that we all will concur that it exists, like for example, that Glennn and they all flippant and headless like chickens with their heads chopped off, they all came forth from a woman their mother.

There, dear Glennn, are you going to write something clear and simple that you will invite me to concur on with you, on its existence, or you will continue with your evasiveness?

Let us all, dear readers here, sit back and await to witness what Glennn and my opponent posters will take to this time around.

To Glennn, please take to good heart and mind, as to consider following my suggestion to you, the text in bold below at the end:
• Post: # 6,488,216 • Susmariosep | Mon 21 Aug, 2017 03:21 am

Dear Glennn, sorry, but can you rewrite this text which you want me to concur on with you:
1. I want you to concur with me
2. that there is no way for you to know
3. that the cause of that-which-is happens
3.a. to be male
3.b. and also happens to have a son.

You see, it is better, will you concur with me, that you make a simple statement, like:
"Will you (Susmariosep) concur with me (Glennn) that we both have a nose in our face?"

You are really a guy who wants to make things so confusingly vague, that only you know why.

But I can imagine, from your routine of evasiveness, it is because you want to really make things confusing to me, and I hope you can honestly change that character in you.

I propose that you just ask me to concur with you that guys have penis and girls have vagina, okay?

Or you explain what you mean by that text from you, in as much words as you need to make it clear; still, just choose one thing which is clear to you to exist, and ask me to concur with you, like you want me to concur with you that you came from a woman who is your mother.

Dear readers here, let us all sit back and await to witness what Glennn will do now, will he make more confusing statements, and ask me to concur with him on them.

Or he will take my suggestion, be simple with what he knows to be existing like his mother, and require me to concur with him on that.
Reply Tue 22 Aug, 2017 07:15 am
When you respond to stuff you're not interested in, it makes you look like a troll who's too stupid to know how to avoid what he says doesn't interest him.
Reply Tue 22 Aug, 2017 07:22 am
Sus, I am wondering why you will not concur with me that there is no way for you to know that the cause of all-that-is happens to be male and also happens to have a son. If you do not concur, then you must explain how you arrived at the determination that the cause of all-that-is happens to be male and also happens to have a son.
Reply Tue 22 Aug, 2017 07:32 am
by all means continue your flirtation but don't fool yourself into thinking anyone's interested.
Im interested in how you find the food in Copenhagen. That weird taste you may not recognize is caused by things we call spices an herbs. I suppose you can just salt the **** out of it and itd taste just like HOME.
Seriously, havin fun?
Reply Tue 22 Aug, 2017 12:05 pm
Dear Glennn, You can speak naturally like as below in your post to Ixzzy:
When you respond to stuff you're not interested in, it makes you look like a troll who's too stupid to know how to avoid what he says doesn't interest him.

That is why I see you to be into moral cognitive perversity with such kind of communication, namely, as in your proffer of a statement you care to want me to concur on with you:{quote]I want you to concur with me that there is no way for you to know that the cause of that-which-is happens to be male and also happens to have a son.[/quote]

Here is how below I have rephrased your statement above as to show you how perverse morally perverse you are when it comes to murdering clear communication, in order to achieve your perverse purpose of evasion from speaking clearly.
1. I want you to concur with me
2. that there is no way for you to know
3. that the cause of that-which-is happens
3.a. to be male
3.b. and also happens to have a son.

What can I compare your perversity to?

What about sexual perversity which is also moral perversity, but in re the use of sex?
Reply Tue 22 Aug, 2017 12:42 pm
Dear Glennn, when humans communicate they first and before anything else, tell each other this thought from their mind, namely: they announce that they exist, then they deliver the next thought from their mind which is what they want to share of a thought in their mind, after announcing that they exist.

So, I like to concur with you on that clause which you silently but simply and clearly convey, namely: “I exist,” but then you continue with your perversity of a grotesquely difficult thought, namely:
I want you to concur with me that there is no way for you to know that the cause of that-which-is happens to be male and also happens to have a son.

So, dear Glennn. I concur with you, that you exist and also I exist.

There, now let us continue to talk further about where we come from, okay?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 22 Aug, 2017 01:14 pm
I'm having a great time. I'm no stranger to herbs. Btw, I think of you as the central character in this mighty tome.



Sorry, but I just do.
Reply Tue 22 Aug, 2017 02:53 pm
[ DISCLOSURE: I have the certainty that God exists, in concept as first and foremost the creator cause of everything with a beginning. ]

Dear Izzy, please do something more challenging to your brain, namely:
So, dear Glennn: I concur with you, that you exist and also I exist.

There, now let us continue to talk further about where we come from, okay?

Okay, dear readers here, let us all sit back and await with bated breath, to witness what Izzy and of course Glennn will transmit, in regard to my question to them, Where do we come from?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 22 Aug, 2017 03:03 pm
[ DISCLOSURE: I have the certainty that God exists, in concept as first and foremost the creator cause of everything with a beginning. ]

Dear everyone, thanks for your sending me pms.

Please however just put your thoughts in public forums, so that everyone will read them, and also react to them: in that manner we will all achieve the purpose of this a2k forum, namely:
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