Dear Olie, you say to me:
"Okay, if you have any answers to my questions, please provide. I personally don't have an answer to the issue of why the universe exists. Furthermore, I don't think it's possible for human beings to really understand this issue."
You now bring up the universe, the one I assume we live in.
Nevermind, because whatever you bring in, it is something rather than nothing.
So, the question remains, why is there something rather than nothing, and that includes the whole transcendental question of existence, period.
Why is there existence instead of no existence?
You admit you have no explanation.
But I have, and it is based on my experience that anything at all that is in existence, it is put there by some entity.
Now, please don't be stubbornly irrational or play dumb, by insisting that no one can answer that question.
No one who does not think at all, can answer that question, but when you think on experience, then the answer is very clear, there is something instead of nothing because some entity put it there.
So, I have a reason for my answer, and it is founded on experience.
You have no answer and you want to include all mankind to be like you, all because you don't want to factor in experience.
I ask you, when you are born with no capacity at all for experiencing the world outside and independent of your mind, what kind of an existence is that?
It is no different from the existence of a pebble.
Please, cease and desist already from playing dumb, in order to cater to your foolish perhaps sense [Oh most commendable] of humility socalled, of not knowing something that is Oh so profound, like why is there something rather than nothing.
Dear readers here, you and I are now witnessing a recurring phenomenon of a human who prefers to play dumb, instead of taking up with his experiences of the world outside and independent of his mind, in order to find answers, yes explanations for everything, yes everything, ultimately, i.e. that some entity put it there in existence.
Now, dear Olie, you will continue with: and who put that ultimate some entity into existence?
Okay, ask me that question, and I will answer you and you will again play dumb, and insist that no one can answer that question; yes no one who wants to play as like a pebble.
I have the answer for that question for you because I choose intelligence as founded on experiences of the world outside and independent of my mind, but of course I need my mind to come to answers, WITH factoring in my experiences of life and the world outside and independent of our mind.
You have no answer and want to include all mankind to be like you, all because you would rather play the existence of a pebble.
Here is a partial preview of my answer to your next question, namely: what ultimate entity puts everything in existence?
Quote:From the dicta of Susmariosep:
1. The default status of things in the totality of reality is existence.
2. Existence is from oneself or from another.
3. Existence is in the mind and/or outside and independent of the mind.