The tolerant atheist

Reply Sat 2 Sep, 2017 08:08 pm
Who is Christ?
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Reply Sat 2 Sep, 2017 09:02 pm
Do you consider Christ to be the son of the god that you believe in?
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Reply Sun 3 Sep, 2017 04:38 am
kk4mds wrote:

Of all the different religions in existence, only the Muslims can be described in truth as monotheist.

Both Judaism and Islam recognize only one G-d. Both of those religions consider the recognition of other gods to be blasphemy. Christianity, of course, is based on idolatry.

Judaism is demographically negligeable; they have the Shekhinah, which is similar to the holy spirit; and there is ample evidence of polytheism in the Bible.

In the end, all religions are forms of idolatry... It's not like some got it "right" and others got it "wrong".
Reply Sun 3 Sep, 2017 01:22 pm
Dear Olivier5, now the conversation has shifted to religion, God, and one or multiple gods.

Have you done any genuine thinking for yourself, original at that, on one God or multiple gods?

Of course I don't mean by original as that no human has ever until you come along arrived at the thought, but that you have come to with your own brain, that is: with no names dropping, no technical terms dropping, and no empty verbiage of un-decrytable access from people who do think for themselves.

Now, I will sit back and await with bated breath to witness how Olivier5 will react to my address to him: will he again turn to flippancies to in effect take to evasiveness, or do some genuine thinking with his own brain?
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Reply Sun 3 Sep, 2017 04:07 pm
Judaism is demographically negligeable; they have the Shekhinah, which is similar to the holy spirit; and there is ample evidence of polytheism in the Bible.

Okay. So you have no idea as to what Shekhinah is. You got that wrong. Also, there is absolutely no evidence of polytheism in Judaism. The worship of a god other than the one true G-d is an unforgivable sin in Judaism.

Perhaps you can give an example of this polytheism. I'd be interested in how far your ignorance of Judaism goes.
Reply Sun 3 Sep, 2017 04:46 pm
Dear kk4mds, you know, Olivier5 is a poster who does not know where he is coming from and where he is going, and where at all he is presently at.

And the reason is because he never so far as I know him with trying to talk sense with him, he does no any genuine thinking at all, he just spews words without any consistency and coherency among the thoughts contained in the words.

You try this test on him: As he is talking about God in Judaism, challenge him to just tell you what he has for a concept of God in Judaism.

Now, I will sit back and await with bated breath to witness what reaction Olivier5 will issue forth from his mouth, Will he take to thinking on what concept if ever at all he has of God in Judaism, or spew forth more words which are into evasiveness from thinking.

Dear kk4mds, always insist that posters produce what concept they have for the most important thing they are talking about, in the present context, God in Judaism.

And you yourself also, when you get interested in a thread, see what is the most important thing the thread is all about, then do research and genuine thinking about it; from this step onward you will already have your concept of that most important something, and march forward to demand that posters bring forth also their concept of the most important thing they are dealing with in the thread.

I tell you, the generality of posters here have no inkling of where they are coming from, where they are going to, and where they are presently at, because they proceed with a feeling that they know something at all, still on examination you will see how vacuous is their mind.
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Reply Sun 3 Sep, 2017 04:59 pm
Readers will take note that Sus has refused to answer the question of who Christ is, and whether or not this Christ is the son of the god that he believes in. My intention was to prove that Sus' ideas are not his own, but are borrowed from others; that is, they are not original. And I believe that his refusal to answer those questions indicates that he understands that his answers will prove my point.
Reply Sun 3 Sep, 2017 06:15 pm
Noted but no comment because you are not a thinker, period.
Reply Sun 3 Sep, 2017 08:29 pm
no comment

No comment necessary. Your silence speaks volumes. You believe that the god of your conjecture is male. You also believe that the god of your conjecture had a son. You borrowed this idea from an old source, so there was no original thinking on your part. And as if that weren't enough, you hypocritically accuse others of failing to do any genuine thinking. You are simply trying to sell day-old doughnuts.
you are not a thinker

On the contrary, I just out-thinked you. Wink
Reply Mon 4 Sep, 2017 12:54 am
The Mosaic religion was initially a monolatrous religion; while the Hebrews are enjoined to worship no deity but Yahweh, there is no evidence that the earliest Mosaic religion denied the existence of other gods. In fact, the account of the migration contains numerous references by the historical characters to other gods, and the first law of the Decalogue is, after all, that no gods be put before Yahweh, not that no other gods exist. While controversial among many people, most scholars have concluded that the initial Mosaic religion for about two hundred years was a monolatrous religion.


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Reply Mon 4 Sep, 2017 10:05 am
Dear Glennn, I am of the concept that God is first and foremost the creator cause of everything with a beginning.

In all my writing in web forums I am into trying to learn something from fellow thinkers who think like me, namely, on truths, facts, logic, and the best thoughts of mankind from since the dawn of man's conscious intelligence.

I have said time and again that I am a diy Christian for a religion.

So, you can work your wicked rear end off trying to pick an exchange with me on Christ and male God, etc. whatever, but you will not succeed because here as everywhere else, I am into knowing more about reality of which God is at the top, grounding myself on truths, facts, logic, and the best thoughts of mankind from since the dawn of man's conscious intelligence.

If you want to pick a fight with Christians, go somewhere else than with me, because I know what is religion, and as I am human I opt to observe one, namely, Christianism, and that in my very own personally thought up diy Christianism.

Now I am telling everyone to find out in matters of knowledge where they are coming from, where they are going, and where they are presently at, because posters here talk a lot but without ever first finding out where they are coming from, where they are going, and where they are presently at.

In my case I know where I am coming from, where I am going, and where I am presently at, namely:

1. The default status of things in the totality of reality is existence.
2. Existence can be from oneself or from another.
3. Existence can be in the mind and/or outside and independent of the mind.

And also now when I read people's writing here I always take careful notice of whether they at all have a concept of the most important thing they are talking about, in the thread of concern.

So, I will sit back and await with bated breath to witness whether you will talk on the three items above, or as usual with your wicked rear end you will continue on and on and on into evasiveness from thinking at all, but only occupied with your wicked rear end of evasiveness from the destiny of mankind, i.e. to think, that is why from since the dawn of man's consciousness, men who don't indulge in their wicked rear end, have come up with the concept of man as an entity called homo sapiens, i.e. literally human of wisdom.
Reply Mon 4 Sep, 2017 02:13 pm
1. The default status of things in the totality of reality is existence.

This is similar to Wittgenstein's opening statement in the Tractatus:
L.W. wrote:
The world is all that is the case.

2. Existence can be from oneself or from another.

How does a rock or a grain of salt exist "from oneself? Explain, please.
3. Existence can be in the mind and/or outside and independent of the mind.

I don't understand this either. Are you equating the physical existence of a rock with a dream of a rock? Explain, please.
Reply Mon 4 Sep, 2017 02:18 pm
Sus is a waste of time. I'm not even sure he's human. Could be one of these failed AI projects from Google for all we know...
Reply Mon 4 Sep, 2017 04:42 pm
When you don't understand things from me, just limit them to the most important thing, one per post, after thinking it over with attention to all three of my statements:
1. The default status of things in the totality of reality is existence.
2. Existence is ether from oneself or from another.
3. Existence is either in the mind and/or also outside and independent of the mind.

There, and stop playing as though you were born only yesterday.
Reply Tue 5 Sep, 2017 02:54 am
I don't understand what you are saying.

I asked you to explain and you just repeat your cryptic drivel.

Then you insult me.

Why would I even want to continue this "discussion"?
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Reply Tue 5 Sep, 2017 04:07 am
If I had ether, I would want to administer it myself--I wouldn't trust someone else with that.
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Reply Tue 5 Sep, 2017 07:51 am
Could be one of these failed AI projects from Google for all we know...
To make a convincing one would be an interesting project. Sus is not a very good one since his algorithms are too obvious.
Reply Tue 5 Sep, 2017 08:13 am
...and he has boasted that been thrown off other forums prior to infesting this one....sociopathic 'IT projects' seem unlikely !
0 Replies
Reply Tue 5 Sep, 2017 09:24 am
his algorithms are too obvious.

A very frequent issue with "talking machines". They have no clue that the constant repetition of the same word chains tend to annoy humans.

C'est une poupée
Qui fait "non non non non"...
Personne ne lui a jamais appris
Qu'elle peut dire "oui".

Reply Tue 5 Sep, 2017 10:59 am
[ Postscript: Dear readers here, Please just read the text in bold at the bottom of this message before Annex, as it could be too long for you to read as that you would rather go tl:dr. ]

Dear Olie, we have had a dialogue on God existing or not, but you got corny when the last concurrence made you see that you have to assent to my preposition, namely, that God exists in concept as first and foremost the creator cause of everything with a beginning.

That is also the trouble with all posters here who are like Olie, when the final step dawns upon them that to be logical they have to assent to my proposition, namely, that God exists in concept as first and foremost the creator cause of everything with a beginning, they seek refuge in being and acting corny.

What do I mean by being or actin corny?

Please wait, I will check the dictionaries to find out whether they have my concept of what it is to be for a human to be corny and to act in a corny manner.

. . . . . .

Okay, read below in Annex the dictionary meanings of corny. summing them up : corny means for a human to be and act like what I would describe very picturesquely as running about like a chicken with its head chopped off.

Dear Olie, if you have any good recall, you chose at that point in our dialogue on God exists or not, you chose to go into the direction of asking me why there is something rather than nothing, and when I explained to you why, namely, because some entity has put it to be present to us or to have brought it about scil. into existence.

At that point, dear Olie, you then brought up the word elephant to describe what you want to insist is the meaning of what I mean by some entity, from there it is all the way down and down and down, elephant in your heart and mind, in effect seeking refuge from having to assent to my proposition, namely, that God exists in concept as first and foremost the creator of everything with a beginning, that is what I will describe you as acting corny, i.e. running about like a chicken with its head chopped off.

So, dear Olie and Oh ye with the same kind of corny heart and mind as Olie, what do you have for an explanation of why is there something instead of nothing?

I will now sit back and again await with bated breath to witness how Olie and posters with his kind of [un]cognitive heart and mind, react to my proposal, at this point in time, namely, let us work together to come to an explanation agreeable to us all, namely, why is there something instead of nothing

Dear readers here, I am enjoying my sojourn here in a2k forum, but like a long vacation one gets bored also when the company in your vacation site turns out to be so stale; but as the idea of getting back to everyday's work and life routines is not inviting at all, I will continue in this vacation at a2k forum, and just continue to study the kinds of company I am meeting in this a2k forum, that is some enjoyable adventure with the study of how men could be so absurd in their talk and conduct when they face the logic of productive conversation.


Google: corny
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Google Dictionary hits on word corny

adjective: corny; comparative adjective: cornier; superlative adjective: corniest
1. trite, banal, or mawkishly sentimental.
"it sounds corny, but as soon as I saw her I knew she was the one"
synonyms: banal, trite, hackneyed, commonplace, clichéd, predictable, hoary, stereotyped, platitudinous, tired, stale, overworked, overused, well worn;
mawkish, sentimental, cloying, syrupy, sugary, saccharine;
informalcheesy, schmaltzy, mushy, sloppy, cutesy, soppy, cornball, hokey
"most of our outdoors play was inspired by those corny TV westerns"
1930s: from an earlier sense ‘rustic, appealing to country folk.’
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Urban Dictionary: corny
P2: <eye rolling> gawwwd that is soo corny, i'm going to bury my head in embarrassment. P3: I really think macareena is cool and original, that other guy doesn't ...

Corny | Define Corny at Dictionary.com
Informal. old-fashioned, trite, or lacking in subtlety: corny jokes. mawkishly sentimental: a corny soap opera.

corny - Wiktionary
The movie was okay, but the love scene was really corny. He sent a bouquet of twelve red roses and a card: "Roses are red, Violets are blue, Sugar is sweet, ...

Corny | Definition of Corny by Merriam-Webster
1 archaic : tasting strongly of malt. 2 : of or relating to corn. 3 : mawkishly old-fashioned : tiresomely simple and sentimental told corny jokes corny greeting cards.

Corny definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary
Oct 13, 2015 - Corny definition: If you describe something as corny , you mean that it is obvious or sentimental and not... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations ...

corny Meaning in the Cambridge English Dictionary
corny meaning, definition, what is corny: (especially of jokes, films, stories, etc.) showing no new ideas or too often repeated…. Learn more.

corny - Dictionary Definition : Vocabulary.com
If your Uncle Marvin has a habit of telling corny jokes, they probably make you groan every single time. Corny describes something that's either worn out and ...

corny - definition of corny in English | Oxford Dictionaries
trite, banal, or mawkishly sentimental Meaning, pronunciation, example sentences, and more from Oxford Dictionaries.

corny (adjective) definition and synonyms | Macmillan Dictionary
Define corny (adjective) and get synonyms. What is corny (adjective)? corny (adjective) meaning, pronunciation and more by Macmillan Dictionary.

corny - English-Spanish Dictionary - WordReference.com
corny - Translation to Spanish, pronunciation, and forum discussions.

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