Dear izzy, honestly and sincerely, I like very much to hear from you what you want to tell me, aside from that I am a dick.
What I seek in a web forum is to learn from others who are better than me in their knowledge of reality.
What is reality?
What about that reality is for examples, you and me.
But if Krumple is around, he will tell us he is not sure that he is in reality, because he keeps insisting that he is not sure he exists at all; but he conducts himself as actually and factually existing, for he does communicate with me, and we get to talk viably - except for his conviction that he is not sure he exists.
Now, do you get what I mean by reality, namely, it is existence.
You will now ask me what is existence?
Existence is reality.
You should ask me rather, How do we know reality or existence to be i.e. to exist?
How? My answer: BY OUR EXPERIENCE.
That is why I define existence as the from man's part as:
"That whatever we know to exist from experience and/or by reasoning from experience as to come to the conclusion that it exists.
You notice that what I am saying is what guys here like Layman and also others insist are tautologies.
Now we come to what we mean by tautology, and Layman and others who are certain of their knowledge, they tell me that tautology is a statement where the subject and the predicate are identical, like Layman says: Red is red and What exists is what exists, they are examples of tautology.
And that my statement, "The default status of things in the totality of reality is existence," is a tautology, for it adds nothing of any cognitive enhancement to our knowledge of reality.
I tell him, that his tautology is all in his mind, suppose he just present four examples of tautology in things in the world outside his mind and independent of his mind, that are tautological.
He got mad and left the dialogue with me, still I tried to get him back with my thread on "My cognitive adventure with Layman."
This thread got deleted by the founders and owners and operators of a2k [FOOA].
This is a long post, and I notice guys here do not have any attention span as to read and understand anything longer than 50 words.
Okay, dear izzy, tell me, is there something you want to talk with me about, aside from calling me a dick?
Dear readers here, let us all sit back and await with bated breath to witness the reaction of izzy - if he is still with me and us, to my post here.
Dear readers here, there is 99.99% certainty that izzy is still calling me a dick, at least in his heart and mind, though not with publicly readable words, in his next post to me.