The Science Of Fox News

Reply Wed 11 Nov, 2015 04:42 pm
amen, they can't even get the weather right half the time, i'm supposed to believe the sports scores or election results, i think not
0 Replies
Reply Wed 11 Nov, 2015 05:34 pm
I'll never say Fox News in infallible, but graphics errors and opinion pieces? Throwing in some affiliate action too...

As I said, the majority of Fox News is punditry. People like that and that is why they are #1 and it befuddles all the liberals that it can be that way. They like to look down their nose at the commoners watching their Fox News and laugh amongst themselves about their superiority. Meanwhile, the country continues moving right and we'll see how many we can get to move out when President Trump starts his second term.

also... 22 CNN Fails That Make Us Seriously Question Cable News
Reply Wed 11 Nov, 2015 05:48 pm
I'll never say Fox News in infallible, but graphics errors and opinion pieces? Throwing in some affiliate action too...

Even so called respectable outlets like NYT's have been in the last few years been found to be writing some very biased and poorly source tripe presented as "news".
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bobsal u1553115
Reply Wed 11 Nov, 2015 05:51 pm
Then stop referring to it as a "news" network. Fox is to news what WWF is to professional sport. And WWF doesn't refer to itself as sport, they refer to themselves as "entertainment". Call Fox that: its an "entertainment" network.

After all the SCOTUS did rule that Fox wasn't obligated to use facts in their news casts. This what you guys have gotten us: wine that only has to have 10% percent of a varietal to call itself that varietal, and news shows that don't have to be factual at all.
Reply Wed 11 Nov, 2015 05:55 pm
@bobsal u1553115,
Mtv still considers itself a music station...

Foxnews has one really, REALLY awesome feature. You can flip channels whenever you want. Not a single person in the entire world is forced to watch it. Don't like it? Don't watch it.
bobsal u1553115
Reply Wed 11 Nov, 2015 06:15 pm
Mtv still considers itself a music station...

And I don't watch MTV.

I do watch Shep Smith regularly.
Reply Thu 12 Nov, 2015 01:52 am
@bobsal u1553115,
But Thom reminded me that by far, the worst of all was a little thing Reagan did by not letting 'Equal Time' provisions of licensing the media. This made all the horrible things that Reagan initiated would soon become invisible. The media would soon become, as Thom says it, 'infotainment'. It is one thing to set in motion the destruction of the country, it is another to make it invisible, so people do not know it is happening and can vote for an alternative. People no longer know that we used to have high tax rates and we were a dominant industrial world power. Economists used to track 'industrial production' in the US and have it a measure of our success. Now we measure 'declining industries' and our country has become a wasteland of empty wharehouses and manufacturing plants. The changes Reagan set into motion were permanent because of the lack of informed voters. So much so that when finally a Democrat was election into office, he could hardly change it all, and instead Clinton followed through with NAFTA.

http://www.thomhartmann.com/forum/2011/06/media-deregulation-thing-reagan-did-really-destroy-our-nation#sthash.nC2vVc3G.dpuf<br />

Basically your broadcast media is under no obligation to devote news time to a pressing matter and broadcast lies, very much like our newspaper industry. And like our newspaper industry your news broadcasters are overwhelmingly right wing.

We have got a similar dumbing down over here with Sky News. The Chinese president visited. The BBC and Channel 4 were discussing the steel crisis, nuclear power and human rights. Sky News had an interview with a chip shop proprietor talking about fish and chips because the Chinese President ate them for the first time.

That's what Murdoch does, dumbs everything down and then spoon feeds bullshit.
Reply Thu 12 Nov, 2015 02:02 am
That's what Murdoch does, dumbs everything down and then spoon feeds bullshit

He says that he is making what the people want, what he can sell at the highest profit.

Is that wrong?

Is that a convincing defense against any charges of lack of quality?

Why/why not?
Reply Thu 12 Nov, 2015 02:27 am
When you turn news into a commodity, deliberately spread lies and ignore things which actually affect people, instead concentrating on celebrities' camel toes, then yes it is wrong.

Look at the American broadcast (and print) media in the run up to the illegal war in Iraq. The American people were lied to, they supported it, the British people were told the truth, they opposed it.

It's as simple as that, and hundreds of thousands of dead Iraqi civilians are testament to how wrong it is.
Reply Thu 12 Nov, 2015 02:39 am
When you turn news into a commodity, deliberately spread lies and ignore things which actually affect people, instead concentrating on celebrities' camel toes, then yes it is wrong.
I think journalism should be damn near a religion, one where the best estimate of the truth, of the nature of reality, is sacred. But who is going to run the ministry and who is going to pay the bills? I simply have no idea. If you can come up with one I am all ears.

Look at the American broadcast (and print) media in the run up to the illegal war in Iraq. The American people were lied to, they supported it, the British people were told the truth, they opposed it.
American journalism is in the crapper, we are in agreement on that.

It's as simple as that, and hundreds of thousands of dead Iraqi civilians are testament to how wrong it is.
everybody else got it wrong too, and really, at that point who thought that the highest levels of the American government would be that willing to start a trillion dollar war on such a brazen lie? And lets be clear that this was nothing like telling some lies about some relatively minor shenanigans in the Gulf of Tonkin to gin up a war, we were going to go to war anyways and everyone understood why, we were not lied to about the important things on Vietnam.
Reply Thu 12 Nov, 2015 03:48 am
hawkeye10 wrote:
everybody else got it wrong too

No they didn't. I didn't get it wrong, and none of the people I met aqt the time got it wrong. We all knew that the war was wrong, illegal and based on lies, admittedly we didn't appreciate how monumentally disastrous Bush's conduct of the war would turn out to be.

You got it wrong because you were fed bullshit and you hungrily lapped it up. You're not interested in truth, or facts, what you're interested in is anything that reinforces your own prejudices. If a broadcaster, like Fox, panders to your racism, your xenophobia and your fear of women, you'll believe any old bollocks they add to the mix.

That's why you rail against an imagined elite, (anyone with a university education,) whilst acting with lickspittle servility towards the real elite, (wealthy robber barons like Donald Trump.) And the most wonderful thing about all of this is that you actually think these are your thoughts.

You need to take the red pill. Stop being a drone and try thinking for once.

0 Replies
Reply Thu 12 Nov, 2015 06:14 am
say what you want about the horrific condition of today's news outlets

but for the love of god, let's not disparage celebrity camel toes

except of course those pics of Christie in his baseball uniform, i had to pour bleach in my eyes
bobsal u1553115
Reply Thu 12 Nov, 2015 06:33 am
I just don't get why "truth in advertising" laws don't cover people claiming to be "news networks" who then write fiction.

If its as McGentrix says, that its about commenting vs reporting, than call it what it is: the "sputtering outrage" network.
Reply Thu 12 Nov, 2015 06:39 am
@bobsal u1553115,
In the Pew Research Center's 2013 "State of the News Media" report, MSNBC was found to be the most opinionated news network, with 85% of the content being commentary or opinions, and only 15% of the content being factual reporting.

Reply Thu 12 Nov, 2015 06:51 am
I'm so very sorry.
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bobsal u1553115
Reply Thu 12 Nov, 2015 06:58 am
You need to post the entire piece, where it says that 72% of what Fox says is not factual.

MSNBC is full of "commentators" but I'd stack Rachael Madow against the vast majority of FOX any day.

Fact-Checking Site Finds Fox News Only Tells the Truth 18 Percent of the Time
July 10, 2014
By Allen Clifton


For liberals, it’s not exactly “breaking news” to find out that Fox News is mostly comprised of misinformation or flat-out lies. Anyone with even a shred of common sense can watch just a handful of their featured shows and see that the entire channel is nothing more than a propaganda mechanism for the Republican party.

Punditfact, a branch of Politifact, has put together profiles for CNN, MSNBC and Fox News detailing just how honest each of these networks are. And while it’s obviously not a completely comprehensive profile (it would be nearly impossible to fact check every single thing said on each network) it’s a decent measure of the honesty of each.

And what do you know, Pundifact found Fox News to have only told the truth 18 percent (15 of 83) of the time for the statements they checked. And even of that 18 percent, only 8 percent of what they said was completely “True.” The other 10 percent was rated as “Mostly True.” A staggering 60 percent (50 of 83) comments were found to be either “Mostly False,” “False,” or “Pants on Fire.” The other 22 percent were rated “Half True.”

Essentially well over half of what Punditfact has fact-checked on Fox News has been a lie and only 18 percent has been deemed factual. To compare, CNN was found to have been honest about 60 percent of the time, while only having 18 percent of their comments found to be false.

As for MSNBC, they were found to have been honest about 31 percent of the time, while 48 percent of the comments they had fact-checked were deemed untrue. So while MSNBC’s numbers aren’t exactly worth bragging about, they’re still far better than the “fair and balanced” Fox News.

Though I’m sure any conservative who might run across this article, or the Punditfact profiles, would simply dismiss the results as “liberally biased lies.” You know, because anything that’s not approved by Fox News or some other right-wing media source is clearly “liberally biased propaganda.”

Which is really a fantastic piece of rhetoric, isn’t it? Fox News, and other right-wing media sources, can lie as much as they want. Then if any other source debunks the nonsense they’re spewing, the conservative media simply dismisses it as “lies perpetuated by the liberal media.”

It’s how conspiracy theorists manipulate their sheep. They perpetuate some kind of asinine conspiracy, then when it’s completely debunked, they claim the information debunking it is “all a part of the conspiracy.”

And that’s exactly what the right-wing media does. Which is why tens of millions of conservatives believe that Fox News is a “fair and balanced” beacon of truth, despite the fact that Punditfact found only 18 percent of their comments to be factual among a fairly large sampling of 83 relatively important statements made on the network.

Click here for reuse options! Copyright 2014 Forward Progressives

Read more at: http://www.forwardprogressives.com/fact-checking-site-finds-fox-news-tells-truth-18-percent-time/
0 Replies
Reply Thu 12 Nov, 2015 07:00 am
That's a very small quotation from a very long wikipage. It's very misleading, Sky News' report from a chip shop was factual reporting, but it was soft news and ducked the real issues of the significance of the Chinese visit.
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Reply Thu 12 Nov, 2015 08:56 am
You've totally missed the point.

MSNBC is a network of commentary.

Fox News represents itself as a news site - and has been found to get the facts wrong/to lie more than other news sources - and as a result its viewers don't know things.

What your post suggests is that you are a Fox News viewer.

0 Replies
Reply Thu 12 Nov, 2015 09:17 am
hawkeye10 wrote:

Look at the American broadcast (and print) media in the run up to the illegal war in Iraq. The American people were lied to, they supported it, the British people were told the truth, they opposed it.
American journalism is in the crapper, we are in agreement on that.

why wasn't the American public smart enough to consider other media sources?

It's as simple as that, and hundreds of thousands of dead Iraqi civilians are testament to how wrong it is.
everybody else got it wrong too

that is factually incorrect



Paul Heinbecker, Canada’s ambassador to the U.N. until December, 2003, was Chrétien's eyes and ears inside the international body tasked with deciding whether it would authorize one of its most powerful members to attack another country.

In the months leading up to the invasion, the U.S. doggedly sought authority from the Security Council to enter Iraq and remove Saddam Hussein from power on grounds the dictator had amassed weapons of mass destruction and was “a danger to the world.”

Heinbecker reviewed the intelligence and called Chrétien frequently to offer advice. He opposed the war and proposed more time for U.N. weapons inspectors, led by Hans Blix, to look for Iraqi weapons of mass destruction.

“I was very skeptical of the intelligence that people were offering on the Iraq situation,” Heinbecker told The Huffington Post.

That skepticism, reflected in his reports back to Ottawa, conflicted with other assessments the prime minister received.

“He was being told by counterparts, notably the British, that this was a ‘slam dunk,’ that they would be getting their authorization to go to war, and it would be good for Canada to get on board,” Heinbecker said. “I told him there was no prospect of U.N. Security Council approval of a resolution mandating attacking Iraq. It just wasn’t going to happen –- nobody in New York was convinced of the necessity of the action.”

Heinbecker did not believe the pronouncements by the U.S. and Britain that Iraq was buying uranium from Africa, and he said it should have been clear to anyone paying attention that the allegations were highly doubtful.

He blames American hubris and emotion for the rush to war.

Americans took the information and put exclamation marks where they should have been putting question marks,” he said. “They just wanted to kick somebody’s ass after 9/11, and Iraq was a case.”


Chrétien himself had misgivings about the evidence of weapons of mass destruction, saying the evidence was "shaky."
"All I knew for certain was that I wouldn't have been able to convince a judge of the municipal court in Shawinigan with the evidence I was given," he wrote in his book.

Chretien - no proof provided

Bush is lucky Chretien didn't handle him the way he handled a protestor


Beware the Shawinigan handshake.
Reply Thu 12 Nov, 2015 09:20 am
McGentrix wrote:
They like to look down their nose at the commoners watching their Fox News and laugh amongst themselves about their superiority.

I definitely don't laugh about it.

It worries me that the whole country seems to be dumbing down and messing things up in the rest of the world.

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