Whatever was missing from your primary relationship still can be worked on, can't it? you never broke that off so there may still be some hope, right?
You mentioned children, are you saying that you have children yourself?
What you do now is to continue on with your life before you met him. Whatever positive activities and direction you had in your life before, you can re-dedicate yourself to that growth now. Eliminate him from your thoughts and life. In time, this hurt and obsession will fade off.
Eventually, that relationship was doomed to end -especially because the person who he said he was, is a lie. You were involved with someone who was not real. The picture that he wanted to paint to you was not a real person. Focus now in your life on what is real and what is positive for yor growth.
In the future, you might want to follow this quote: "Trust but verify."
I wish you good healing and good luck.