she rejects u 6,no interest bro,she just flirting and playing mind games with u,sounds like u need to move on cause from your post u is in the friend zone,if at all that.6 times and you still chasing bro? You finally get the courage to ask a girl out, then you get rejected. We’ve all been there at some point, and there are a wider variety of reasons why this may have happened. Getting rejected is no fun, especially when you having been trying to get the courage to speak to a women over a long period of time.Girls can smell desperation a mile away. Desperation tends to give you a lack of real confidence and can also lead to extreme nervousness. This is a massive turn off and can lead to a hard ‘no’ rejection. There a times when desperation can manifest itself, identifying it before it happens will help improve your chances,,Hey Ya! You Are Boring!!
So you’ve managed to catch her eye and engage in a conversation. Women often do not respond well to guys who are boring or have nothing to say for themselves. If you are naturally shy and introverted then you need to think of things to say before approaching a woman. Talking about a subject that she has no interest in or is considered dull is a sure fire way to get a big rejection. Past the introduction why not ask her some questions about her likes and interests.
Pick one of the subjects of things she likes if you are really struggling for material. An ability to hold a conversation beyond yes or no answers is an indication of man’s intellect, more importantly what they are ultimately like in dating or social situations. In terms of what to say this is down to you. Coming up with cheesy lines typically doesn’t work but in some instances may be a good way of breaking the ice. Being original and interesting will help you get the right approach.Being Indirect
Maybe, possibly, and potentially are all words that you should not use when asking a woman out on a date and can lead to rejection. Women respond to men that are direct and clear about what it is that they want. There is a difference between directness and being cocky. Finding the balance between the two is a case of trial and error. The best way to find the balance is to look at your approach to women objectively.
Ask yourself the question did I come across too strong? Keep your proposition short and concise and then pause for a response. Look directly at them when asking a question or requiring a response, looking down at your toes is another example of being indirect, and provides an idea of your confidence levels.Being Too Pushy
There’s confidence and being too pushy, stepping over the line can result in rejection. All girls are different due to past experience and using the same approach is likely to result in failure