Noah first of all I would like to refute your post
Quote:First and foremost, you detractors to Affirmative Action do so based upon emotions and not logic and reasoning. You are fooling no one by pretending to seek rational clarification or defense of the policy. The plain and simple fact is that you do not like it and do not want it, based simply upon your emotional prejudice, which biases what you are willing to intellectual consider or entertain, thus potentially preventing you from reaching a logical, rational and unbiased conclusion.
Useles argueing tactic. Never employ it ever again as long as you live Noah for you will look like a fool. Never start off by saying "You guys are wrong because you are biased towards yourselves". First this implies that all detractors of AA are white which is friggin wrong. I hate the damn system and I'm mexican. I get straight A's in school and I sure as hell hope I get into college based on my achievemnets and skills not on my race or ethnicity. All opinions are based of bias btw otherwise they would be fact. To argue otherwise is futile. Don't act all high an mighty like your the one acting without bias here. That would be hypocrisy.
Quote:Lastly, AA actually falls way short of solving the inequities created from nearly 4 centuries of white male affirmative action in this nation. The present is the creation of the past. No one is talking about changing the past, but rather, changing the effect of racial inequality that resulted from acts in the past, by correcting it with equal and opposite acts to blacks favor in the present and future.
You make the inferiorly treated equal not SUPERIOR. They should not be giving EXTRA rights for the past. Martin Luther King and every other civil rights leader fought for EQUALITY not SUPERIORITY. You don't balance out acts my dear friend. Discrimination is wrong whether against or for minorities. Remember two wrongs don't make a right ;-). Blacks don't need AA and neither do women or hispanics. They have to earn their way through like everyone else. Remember they fought for equality not superiority.
Quote:I think that my last thread was very clear. If you are asking me questions subsequent to that thread, then bias is preventing you from reaching understanding.
1. Having or displaying a sense of overbearing self-worth or self-importance.
2. Marked by or arising from a feeling or assumption of one's superiority toward others
n. pl. hy·poc·ri·sies
1. The practice of professing beliefs, feelings, or virtues that one does not hold or possess; falseness.
2. An act or instance of such falseness.
1. Showing arrogant or offhand disregard; dismissive
The dictionary really does say it all.