Tue 27 Jul, 2004 09:30 am
Come on guys, let's be honest. The biggest worry we all have is if our ladies are are cheating on us or not. If only there was a way to know for sure!
Today I stumbled across the answer. From The Wisdom Of The Ancients:
" In an agreement of 311 BC between two Greeks in Egypt, Heraclides and Demetria, it emerges that whereas extramarital sex by the wife is out of the question (her infidelities, incidentally, could be detected by putting a magnet in the bed, in which case if she was guilty she would fall out), the husband is allowed casual adultery, especially with slaves and prostitutes. He is debarred, on the other hand, from setting up a home with any other woman whom his wife would find offensive."(1)
I can't wait to put this to the test! It will be so good to finally know for sure!
(1) "From Alexander to Cleopatra" by Michael Grant, page 199.
yes yes i read the topic title..but can I post pretty please?
Onyxelle - Of course.
I wasn't sure to post this in History, Humor, or where. While on one hand I don't want to make light of infidelity, with all the politics going on I thought a little levity wouldn't hurt.
You know....the title of your post will draw women from near and far....we just HAVE to come and see what's in here.
Gee, really? You think so?
you don't have to get all snippity about it.
Wow, I'm the first male to post here. I'll come back when I have something to say. It's funnier watching the wimmins titter about the subject, so to speak.
watching the wimmin's WHATS?????

Kristie's use of the word "snippety" drove me to it. After all, this is supposed to be a men's only thread.
Dang magnet under the bed, it's attracting mah tinfoil hat and messing up my hair!
Can there be a rural urban legend?
If a a cow to swallows a bar magnet, this will protect the beast from the dangers of accidentally ingesting barbed wire and other metal trash.
Magnets have always been tin foil hat fodder.
Geeze, Jim, you got more wimmins in here than are comfortable for the mins to take up this discussion . . . can you shoo 'em out?
Chastity Belt
I wear this chastity belt while my man is away each day waging war in the world of commerce. It gives him peace of mind to know his valuables are locked safely away from those who covet his property. He has the one and only key and he wears it on a chain lovingly around his neck. I think the magnet under the bed is totally unnecessary when we otherwise share such love and trust.
Quote:If a a cow to swallows a bar magnet, this will protect the beast from the dangers of accidentally ingesting barbed wire and other metal trash.
Actually, the cow goes ahead and ingests all of that stuff. The magnet just makes sure it stays in the bottom of the rumen. When the little bits of metal float around of their own accord, they can end up lodged between the heart and the rumen and cause inflammation of the pericardium. This condition is commonly referred to as "heartwire." The solution is to stick a hefty magnet in the cow, taking it out every couple of years to clean it off.
As to the stated topic, I refuse to discuss it until the wimmins leave the room. Unless, of course, they are cuckolding me with the the patiogal, in which case I'll have to ask everyone
else to leave the room.
Infidelity, huh? Is it really infidelity if you don't get caught? I mean, what could it hurt?
kicky, spoken as a single man.....
are the wimmins gone?
Just the question i was going to ask, Wise One . . .
Sheesh, them wimmin, they take ever-thing sooo serous . . .
You know, don't you, that if you scratch yourself when you're out in the woods, and no one is around, as far as the wimmins is concerned, you are still in trouble . . .
. . . nobody, we was just chewin' the fat . . .
durn wimmins
Watch the muttering Set they have enhanced hearing abilities.