I will scream foul when I am illegally searched. Just because you are willing to give up your constitutional rights doesn't mean I should be.
I am courageous enough to insist that the Constitution, with the liberty and the rights it ensures, is worth standing up for.
JustWonders wrote:100% of my friends and family agree
Ah. Another statistically viable sample polled, providing us with the latest data validating our personal POV.
I agreed with everything you said until you got to this, BTW...
Nothing one can do about one's family, but you can always find smarter friends.
I'll join you in mooning Craven :-D
I remember reading about a young woman on one of the hijacked flights of 9/11. I don't remember much except that her name was Amy, she was 28 years old and a flight attendant. I thought about her a lot, wondering at this young life snuffed out so suddenly, and although many others died and had stories similar to hers, she's the one that occupied my thoughts the most. Those memories faded with time, but now I find myself wondering what liberties she would be willing to give up had she known then what we all know now.
ebrown - I wonder if that same courage you write about would hold up in the face of boarding a plane with 14 men of Middle Eastern descent looking suspicious and carrying "musical instrument" cases, knowing they're unapproachable beyond the most cursory search because of current laws.
None of my friends or family have altered our way of living beyond being a bit more aware of our surroundings. We continue to travel every chance we get and attend public events of interest, as the majority of Americans are doing.
I don't see it as "giving up all my constitutional rights" so much as using a little common sense.