Tue 13 Oct, 2015 06:47 pm
This already sucks, Anderson Cooper acts like we are seconds away from the start. 10 minutes later we are still waiting.
And this is a sporting event now, we need to have an elaborate rendition of the national Anthem? I think not. Let Sheryl Crow show her support for the party by making a donation and a commercial, like all the rest of the entertainment industry.
In her first go Hillary was well rehearsed and at the top of her game. She also acts like she did get to write the debate rules. Sanders already looks like he is melting, lets see if he can get it together. No one else matters, they are sucking up time so the D's can perpetuate their fiction that they are offering the little people a choice.
Hillary seems to think that Obama valuing her judgment to name her SS matters, we dont trust Obama's judgement on international affairs. As she thinks that we are dumb enough to believe that Putin was not running Russia when he was not President.
This is the Hillary that we know and dont love, the one who puts on a good act as she tries to slide the bullshit by..
Webb is ******* impressive. Who would have thunk.
Hillary acting like losing an Ambassador to the terrorists is not a big deal??!!
****. HER!
Everyone who said that this debate would be boring was wrong...Hillary is at the top of her game and while I know that she is a lying bitch she is entertaining, Sanders has found his sea legs, and Webb is better than he has ever been.
This is Hillary'e worst Nightmare, even nobodies look as good as she does in this debate.
"How would you not be a third Obama Term" Hillary's answer is " I have a ****".
Anderson Cooper is the only one at CNN that I can see calling her on this, and he did. Again we see that Hillary cant think on her feet, there was no way that the Homo Cooper was going to let that slide by, and she should have enough political smarts to know this if she is asking for the POTUS chair.
Almost two hours in the D's finally start to turn their guns on the R's. Just goes to show how much trouble they had dealing with each other. Again this is Hillarys worst nightmare. This is what the D money men were supposed to protect her from.
This thread is rated O. There are no other threads on this subject that I see. This fact supports the argument that there has been a massive decline in the quality of A2K.
Quote:if you just “work hard and play by the rules” you should expect that the American system will deliver you a decent life and a chance for your children to have a better one"
Bill Clinton 1992
Hillary runs the same lines in 2015 to close the debate and thinks that this is a winner? When the Clintons have been one of the most powerful families in America for 20 years? And things have gone in reverse?
I think she has more faith in her abilities as a bullshit artist than the rest of us have. What she accomplished was to look dated, and too look like a weak copy of her husband.
I am disappointed in the questions from the CNN people. The Republican debates had so many questions about how one candidate said something about a different candidate. They did nothing like that tonight.
Well here. I'll bump it up for you.
I didn't even know Chaffee was running until today. I don't think he has much chance.
McGentrix wrote:
I am disappointed in the questions from the CNN people. The Republican debates had so many questions about how one candidate said something about a different candidate. They did nothing like that tonight.
CNN wanted issues debated rather than a bar fight, but they got a lot more bar fight than they were looking for.
Cooper was pretty good for him, the rest not.
roger wrote:
Well here. I'll bump it up for you.
Thank you. This kind of thing is why I would like you for a neighbor. I often dont agree with you but you are a straight arrow. I like that.
Interesting. The snap polls have it
Sanders in a landslide
The opinion of the elites has it that Clinton won.
Typical of the mass delusion of the elite
Quote:Clinton’s jujitsu wasn’t relegated to questions about her past. Clinton’s partisan witch-hunt–themed response to questions about her email scandal was nothing we haven’t heard from her before—but the response to her strong delivery suggested that Democratic voters are willing to forgive and forget. Not only did she draw boisterous cheers from the crowd with her tried-if-not-completely-true defense, she even had Sanders coming to her aid.
“I think the secretary is right,” Bernie interjected, “and that is that the American people are sick and tired of hearing about your damn emails.” When your biggest rival is deflecting questions about your biggest weakness for you, you know the evening has been a success.
When Sanders was able to go toe to toe with Hillary and win Hillary had a bad night. And in my opinion Webb bet them both.
Let's hear it for this election coming down to Trump/Sanders/Bloomberg, AKA a complete washout for the incompetent lying bastards , the elite.