Are We Ready For a Woman President? Really?

Reply Fri 2 Oct, 2015 09:24 pm
I am not disagreeeing with you, but..

back when I lived in Los Angeles all hell was catapulting over years and years, and I knew the area fairly well, kidding, no, I didn't fully, and I don't know the city/county now either.

I might know it somewhat more than other folks.
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Reply Fri 2 Oct, 2015 09:25 pm
Are we ready for a Jewish President? I wonder how much antisemitism has to do with it.
Reply Fri 2 Oct, 2015 09:26 pm
That wasn't polite, it was manipulative.
Reply Fri 2 Oct, 2015 09:29 pm
Manipulative? I don't think so.

I made a straightforward direct request. Each person can choose to humor me, or not. At least one person agreed with me. If you don't agree with me, then you can just let it go.
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Reply Fri 2 Oct, 2015 09:29 pm
Reply Fri 2 Oct, 2015 09:30 pm
If misogyny is the reason that people aren't supporting one of the women who are running, why wouldn't antisemitism be the reason that people aren't supporting the Jewish candidate in the race?

It's the same (flawed) logic.
Reply Fri 2 Oct, 2015 09:32 pm
sorry max, i can't endorse her either. it's good that she is an executive, but it is very very bad that she can't do even basic research, and know she's become a believer over the doctored PP propaganda. i want a leader much smarter than Carlie.
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Reply Fri 2 Oct, 2015 09:33 pm
This is not manipulative?
Reply Fri 2 Oct, 2015 09:48 pm
What is the deal, you expect answers within three hours or get pissed or dejected, not once, but twice?

I like and often agree with you, Snood, but don't expect snappy replies with your post.

Many days a2k has a lot of lame-o hours. People work, have lives. I've started many threads no one replies to. I've started many threads a lot of people reply to.

Get a grip.
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Reply Fri 2 Oct, 2015 09:51 pm
I don't know what your definition of "manipulative" is. I made a polite, straightforward request, and I explained why I thought it is a good idea. I even said please.

Carly Fiorina is a woman and a candidate for president. She deserves to be tagged in this thread as much as Hilary does.

Which is why I am politely asking any kind reader who agrees to add "Carly Fiorina" as a tag. A few more people, and we can move the tag up near Hillary's tags (and at this point that would have some humor value).
Reply Fri 2 Oct, 2015 09:58 pm
No ******* way.

You may assume I won't add anyone I am not interested either in, either side, unless I think they have fantasy value.
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Reply Fri 2 Oct, 2015 10:19 pm
I've female friends who made it to high office.

I happen to not be admiring of theses two women. Of the two, I'll go for Hillary Clinton. I get to have that opinion.

I don't need to please you re my voting, not to mention your taunting.

I will vote for Hillary Clinton if it comes to that as the demo choice.
Reply Fri 2 Oct, 2015 11:35 pm
I actually don't care if the democrats offer a male or female candidate, i want to vote for a candidate I trust. I've crossed party lines in the past, but I think the GOP could scrape up a better candidate than Carly.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 3 Oct, 2015 04:58 am
Ready? I think the United States are most certainly ready. But the odds of it happening are pretty small, I guess. Even barring how qualified each person is on their individual merits, in order to be able to run for president in the US, you need to have a lot of cash at hand and/or a powerful lobby. And I perceive rich and powerful men in general to be a fairly misogynistic group of people.

Mayhap I am wrong. Mayhap my ideas about the ways presidents are elected to office are too naive, or too cynical. Mayhap my ideas about rich and powerful men are unjustly and unfairly biased, either due to a subconscious indoctrination by movies over the decades of my existence, either due to how I hear how women are objectified in music(especially in certain genres), either due to the fact I am poor white thrash and I am jealous of rich and powerful men.

But even taking these doubts to mind, I have to ask you this: How many serious female candidates have ever tried to run for presidency in the USA?

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Reply Sat 3 Oct, 2015 05:24 am
judging by the hysteria and childishness surrounding US elections in general, i'd suggest that america isn't even ready to decide it's own governmental fate, i think it would be better if they were made wards of children's services until they reach a more mature age

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Reply Sat 3 Oct, 2015 05:32 am
ehBeth wrote:
It seems odd to me that the US hasn't had a female president yet. Canada even had one for a while.

to be fair, KC's leadership period was a bit like licking the mixing bowl and claiming one had cake
0 Replies
Reply Sat 3 Oct, 2015 05:47 am
snood wrote:

I'm surprised and just a bit disappointed that there isn't more discussion here.
I think it's a pretty weighty and relevant question. Maybe that's just because I was recently given a reason to rethink what I had taken for granted about the prospects of electing a woman president.

Osso, is THIS the post that you're characterizing as "snappy", and because of THIS post, I need to "get a grip"? Really? I don't know - are you being really sensitive or is there something in that post that's somehow deeply offensive, that I just don't see?
Reply Sat 3 Oct, 2015 06:07 am
Why not add you own tags? It is any member's option to add whatever tag they might want. Do you not understand how tags work on this forum?

In fact, someone already added Fiona tag. What's the problem?
0 Replies
Reply Sat 3 Oct, 2015 06:34 am
Well I for one avoided the thread not because I don't think we are ready for a woman president, but just because I had a recent run in with the author of this thread and I knew if I said anything about Hillary...

Anywho, I think Elizabeth Warren would have been more well received. Hillary has a lot of baggage (as in the hate the right has for her) as we are seeing. However, Elizabeth Warren is not running and Hillary is and I think going by the poll numbers the question has already been answered. We are more than ready for a woman President.
Reply Sat 3 Oct, 2015 07:21 am
revelette2 wrote:

Well I for one avoided the thread not because I don't think we are ready for a woman president, but just because I had a recent run in with the author of this thread and I knew if I said anything about Hillary...

Anywho, I think Elizabeth Warren would have been more well received. Hillary has a lot of baggage (as in the hate the right has for her) as we are seeing. However, Elizabeth Warren is not running and Hillary is and I think going by the poll numbers the question has already been answered. We are more than ready for a woman President.

I think you're reading more drama than is justified by our little difference of opinion. You were saying you wanted Hillary to drop out, and you were providing reasons why you think she isn't a good candidate. I disagreed; said it's nonsense to suggest the frontrunner to simply drop out, and disputed your reasons. I see no need to act as if it was anything more serious or personal.

And as for us being "more than ready" for a female president I hope you're right and I wish I wasn't so skeptical, but time will tell.

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