I thought I answered this thread while bemused, sometime earlier this afternoon, but I must have either put my response in the football pickum thread or decided against my post.
I agree entirely with Setanta, had started to explain that and apparently gave up as he had already stated my opinion.
I and many others here are well schooled in american english (and others are with other varieties of english) but, in everyday quick typing, I cluge up my commas, gludge up my metaphors, sludge up my similes, and I also sometimes make up words. I consider that my rarely capitalizing the name of a language and often not capitalizing country names, or religions' names is just my way, or style.
Some very interesting writers play with language. I recommend keeping an open mind. Knowing the 'rules', whatever teacher is teaching you whatever year, is a useful start. These do change and there are many arguments about some of that, including on this website. But that all is just a start regarding how you may end up wanting to write, yourself, sometime later.