Ok if you like BJS - they also support the 1 in 5 stat.
Nearly 1 in 5 teen girls who have been in a relationship said a boyfriend had threatened violence or self harm if presented with a breakup.4
4 Rennison, Callie Marie and Sarah Welchans. 2003. Intimate Partner Violence 1993-2001. U.S. Department of Justice Bureau of Justice Statistics. Washington, DC. Retrieved January 9, 2004.
And some other from BJS
Myths about teen dating violence
MYTH: “Violence in teen relationships is not as serious a problem as domestic violence among adults.”
FACT: 22% of all murders of females ages 16 to 19 are committed by a current or former dating partnerxx, and teen dating
violence is a major cause of injuries among young women.xxi Adolescent girls are more likely than adult women to be
victims of interpersonal violence, and to incur both minor and severe injuries as a result.xxii
MYTH: “Today’s young women are just as violent as young men—there is a lot of mutual abuse in teen relationships.”
FACT: While both females and males can both be perpetrators or victims of dating violence, young women in heterosexual
relationships are more likely to be injured, more likely to be sexually assaulted, and more likely to suffer emotionally than
young men.xxiii
xxii Bureau of Justice Statistics. (2003) Crime Data Brief: Intimate partner violence, 1993-2001. Available at:
xx Bureau of Justice Statistics. (2002) Press Release: Violence Rates Among Intimate Partners Differ Greatly According to Age. Available at:
xxvi Bureau of Justice Statistics. (2005). Offender Characteristics. Available at:
However, my concern (not that I am not concerned about other teens) is my daughter - and knowing my daughter I am to protect her if she needs it. Just like making sure she always wears her seatbelt, that I teach her defensive driving, not drinking and driving and other common sense items. Even if the stats are low, I would take common sense measures to keep her safe and knowledgeable so she does not become a statistic in one of these reports.